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Destiny 2: Into the Light is bringing loads of new and exciting things for Guardians to experience, including a new game mode, new maps, revamped missions, and a whole bunch more. Over the course of three weeks, the team at Bungie put on three different live streams to showcase some of the new things we’d see in Into the Light, a completely free update for Destiny 2 that every player will have access to. Let’s check out everything we have to look forward to in Into the Light.
Destiny 2: Into the Light Release Date and Time

The Into the Light update will release on April 9th, 2024 at 1pm EST/10am PST. The three Tuesdays before it’s release, Bungie put on a livestream that showcases some of the things we talk about below and give us a taste of what we’ll get to experience on April 9th.
Into the Light Brings a New Game Mode to Destiny 2

We’ve all been playing the same activities in Destiny 2 for years now. There’s Vanguard, Crucible if you’re brave, Gambit, and any additional seasonal and special activities that pop up but don’t stick around. With Into the Light, we’ll get a brand new Activity called Onslaught. Onslaught takes the basic concepts of a tower defense game and mixes it with some unique strategies and mechanics to make it unique and exciting as we battle hordes that come in waves for a total of up to 50 waves.
Hall of Champions, Brave Arsenal, & Brave Armor

Into the Light introduces the Hall of Champions, a new social space for players to hangout with Shaxx and take part in the new Onslaught activity. Within the Hall of Champions, Shaxx allows players access to his armory, which consists of quite a few weapons that are returning to Destiny 2 with some neat new Origin Traits and perks, as well as the new Brave Armor.
Within the Hall of Champions, you will be able to interact with Shaxx and Arcite 99-40 who will give quests and bounties that will help you get your hands on the new Into the Light gear. Here, you will also be able to use weapon attunement, which will give you a higher chance to drop a specific weapon, and making weapon farming in Destiny 2 easier than it’s ever been.
Destiny 2 Into the Light Exotic Mission Revamp

Destiny 2‘s Into the Light update will bring back a couple of Exotic Missions and give us something to work on in the time before The Final Shape. Both Whisper of the Worm and Zero Hour will be returning with some important changes made to them both. Both of these Exotic Missions will feature new chest locations, secrets that we’ll have to figure out for ourselves, and complete reworking. That said, the changes will be drastic enough that we won’t be able to turn to old walkthroughs to get us through the challenges.
Through these missions, we’ll be able to pick up Whisper of the Worm and Outbreak Prime, which will have perks like Mulligan, Enlighened Action, Outlaw, and Headseeker. Additionally, we’ll be able to pick up some new Exotic Ships from them as well.
New Balance Updates with Into the Light
Along with Into the Light, we should be getting a new update to balance out the game a bit. These will just be a series of quality of life and sandbox updates that are meant to better the gameplay for everyone. This can include buffs, nerfs, and more.
Into The Light Brings Three New PvP Maps

In May, Destiny 2 will get three new PvP Crucible maps for Guardians to enjoy.. These maps include Eventide Labs, which takes place on Europa, Cirrus Plaza, which takes place on Neomuna, and Essence, which is on the Pyramid Ship. As all maps, these ones will each have their own strengths and weaknesses that are up to us to determine, but they should be a great change of pace for Crucible players.
All Returning Weapons in Into the Light

- Blast Furnace
- The Recluse
- The Mountaintop
- Luna’s Howl
- Midnight Coup
- Hammerhead
- Forbearance
- Succession
- Elsie’s Rifle
- Edge Transit
- Falling Guillotine
- Hung Jury
Destiny 2 is now available on PC,