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If you’ve made your way through any of the Destiny 2 seasonal activities, like Riven’s Lair, then you’ve probably noticed secret chests locked behind doors with seemingly no way to get them open. Now, there is a way, but Bungie wanted to be sneaky and let us figure it out for ourselves, and of course, we’re well acquainted with Destiny’s secrets by this point. I mean, come on. If we could make it past the final Imbaru Engine test and all the nonsense that surrounded it in record time, we could surely figure out something as simple as doors without interaction options.
Where To Find Locked Chest Doors in Riven’s Lair

You can find chests in the Rivens Lair activity, but to open them, you have to be doing a run of the Coil seasonal activity. As you make your way through the Riven’s Lair, there’s a good chance you won’t even notice the doors. However, there’s a way to make it so you rarely pass one up. Head into your inventory and access your equipped Ghost Shell. Make sure you level up your Ghost Tier enough that you can afford to put two energy into a mod, then equip either the Combo Detector or the Wombo Detector. Each of these will Detect caches or resources within a 40–50-meter range. That means you’ll be able to see chests, even if they’re hidden behind a locked door with no markings or distinguishing features.
Once you’ve got your Ghost Shell equipped with the latest hidden-chest-finding equipment, it’s time to head back into Riven’s Lair. While you’re wandering around the map, being careful not to activate the many traps leading to your Guardian’s demise, you’ll likely see chest symbols that occur randomly throughout the activity. That’s where you need to head to find the secret chests.
How To Unlock the Secret Chest Doors in Destiny 2
Opening the doors that lead to the secret chests within Riven’s Lair is pretty simple, but you might have to put in a bit more work than you’d think. Each door is locked behind your current score within the activity. Once you reach a certain threshold with your score during a Coil run, you will be able to unlock each door. So, when you first hop into the activity, if you are planning on opening the doors, it would be a good idea to do as much as you can to boost your score and get all the loot these secret chests have to offer.