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It’s finally that time of year for the Destiny 2 Solstice event to come back around, along with Eva Levante and a whole bunch of new opportunities. This year, however, we’ll get to see some new mechanics and processes that we haven’t witnessed before, like the Solstice Forge, which is explained and used throughout the Celebrating Solstice quest. Let’s take a look at how to complete Celebrating Solstice in the 2024 Solstice event.
Step 1

Eva says that the Solstice Forge will allow you to create new and improved armor for the holiday.
- Acquire at least two Solstice Forge bounties from the Solstice Forge Eva provided.
- Your Solstice Forge can be found in your Quest inventory.
- You can hold one Solstice Forge bounty per armor piece category at any given.
Step 2
Gather the raw materials needed to forge Sublime armor by completing a Solstice Forge bounty.
- Complete and claim the rewards for any Solstice Forge bounty.
- These bounties will provide you with Alloys from which to forge Sublime armor.
Step 3

The first challenge has been completed! Claim it from the Event Card.
- Claim the first challenge from the Solstice Event Card.
Step 4
You’re well on your way to celebrating Solstice in full style. Talk to Eva about your progress.
- Speak with Eva Levante in the Tower.
Step 5
Eva has given your Solstice Forge the ability to refresh bounties for new objectives. Give it a try now.
- Refresh a category of bounties within the Solstice Forge.
Step 6
- Collect Alloys of any armor piece category in order to purchase an Ingot quest from the Solstice Forge.
- Collect 100x Helmet Alloy
- Collect 100x Gauntlet Alloy
- Collect 100x Chest Alloy
- Collect 100x Leg Alloy
- Collect 100x Class Item Alloy
Step 7
Acquire any Ingot quest from the Solstice Forge.
Step 8
Complete the Ingot quest by participating in the Bonfire Bash activity.
Step 9
Use the Ingot you have just forged to acquire a piece of Sublime armor! You can acquire your armor from the Solstice Forge armor piece category that matches your Ingot quest.
Step 10
Speak with Eva in the Tower.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC,