Season 7 introduces Witchcraft Powers, the new hotness in Diablo 4: Season of Witchcraft (it says it right there on the tin). It’s a neat mechanic, like a revamp of the Vampiric Powers, only much more overt and actually helps create better build diversity. It can be something as simple as hexing creatures to summoning a poisonous frog and even granting resource, healing, and barriers. But first, you’ll need to unlock the ability to access Witchcraft Powers in Diablo 4.
Diablo 4: How to Unlock Witchcraft Powers in Season 7

First and foremost, you need to be participating in Season 7, if you want to utilize Witchcraft Powers in Diablo 4. That means when you create a character, make sure you’re choosing to join the Seasonal Realm, not the Eternal Realm.
Once you’re in and ready to go, immediately start the seasonal questline. You get it automatically when you log in, so check your quest log and make it your main goal. It’ll lead you to Gelena in Gea Kul, by the waypoint.

After speaking to Gelena, she’ll ask you to assist her in hunting for a head that belongs on the Tree of Whispers. Follow to the map marker and examine the Whispering Root and Overgrown Door to reveal the Overgrown Tenement. Inside, you’ll face against the Enraged Headless Husk.
After the Husk is dead, meet up with Gelena at the Tree of Whispers and speak with her. Interact with the Coven’s Favor Board (it’s near the Tree of Whispers) and grab the Restless Rot from the first tier. Oh, and open the cache you get as a reward to get more Restless Rot.
Take your Restless Rot to any of the Altars of Witchcraft, by the Tree of Whispers, and choose a Witchcraft Power to purchase and equip. You can also equip Witchcraft Powers from the inventory (there’s a small tab in the inventory).
How to Earn More Witchcraft Powers

If you want to unlock more Witchcraft Powers, you need Restless Rot and Coven’s Favor. The former is used to purchase said powers, while the latter unlocks more tiers, which some of the Witchcraft Powers are locked behind.
Luckily, participating in Diablo 4’s Season of Witchcraft events will help you earn both. There are four ways to earn Coven’s Favor:
- Opening Tree of Whisper caches
- Opening Silent Chests
- Killing Headrotten creatures and clearing Roothold dungeons in Witchtide events
- Completing chapters of the Season Journey
As it just so happens, defeating Headrotten in Witchtide areas can also drop Restless Rot. Essentially, the more time you spend in Witchtide events, the sooner you’ll unlock more Witchcraft Powers in Diablo 4.