Industry Games has rolled out the May 6th update for Dungeons of Sundaria, and now folks can dive into the comprehensive patch notes and get a look at what changes are coming. The game’s latest version does not introduce major changes and features, but instead brings some fixes based on feedback from the latest patch. This might be the solution if you experienced some issues after installing the previous patch. Check out the Dungeons of Sundaria May 6th update patch notes below.
Patch Notes of the Dungeons of Sundaria May 6th Update
- Armor and Weapon Fragments are now able to be sold; please do so carefully.
- Improved Loot amount and quality in the Festering Bog. Added Armor Set fragments to various boss loot chests in The Festering Bog (Nightmare), from other dungeons.
- Improved the navigation in Malorath’s arena
- Fixed an issue where the Archdemon of Nu could walk off the ledge of a platform.
- Fixed the Blighter not showing a boss card on death when killed in order various orders.
- Fixed Issue with Enraged Forest Bosses not scaling correctly on Nightmare the result is the damage has been increased.
- Reduced damage of Plagueclaw Belcher on Nightmare.
- Fixed Iron Seeds spawned treants, so they should no longer spawn into the ground.
- Fixed the missing boss door from Enraged Forest Arena; it should now spawn correctly.
- Fixed Champion of Mog’s Fire Slam ability telegraph to more closely matches the visual effects.
- Fixed issue when equipping the Fire Lord armor set; the armor bonus should calculate correctly. All buffs should be recast after replacing any equipment.
- Fixed scaling issue where Wooden dummy health would be immense, rendering them unhittable; their health is now capped at 10,000,000.
- Fixed Iochok Shrine was spawning a second shrine when loading from the checkpoint before it.
- Fixed Boss Fights that could initialize twice if started by a checkpoint.
- Fixed issue with Dwarves in The Festering Bog missing their visibility when being interacted with.
- Fixed Pit Boss Pippa Boss card incorrectly referencing the Dreadforge instead of The Festering Bog.
- Fixed missing collision to gates in The Festering Bog
- Fixed Torgoth’s gate so it can no longer be walked through before/after his fight.
- Fixed Malorath’s portal spawns on the client.
- Plagueclaw will no longer transform the player into a Husk. This ability was unstable and problematic, so it has been removed. Plagueclaw’s damage has been increased on Nightmare as an offset for the Husk transformation removal.
The May 6th update for Dungeons of Sundaria is available on PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4,