All the Mods 8 is a very popular Minecraft mod pack, which started out as a humble “private pack” for members of the ATMTeam. It conveniently mixes tons of new and/or lesser-known mods, totaling a whopping 324 mods at the time of writing. For that reason, this modpack has become the go-to bundle for the Minecraft community. If you want to get a peek at what’s inside the mod pack, continue reading below for the complete list of all mods in it.
Minecraft All The Mods 8: All Mods Included in the Modpack
1. Cosmetics, Utility, and QOL Mods in Minecraft All the Mods 8

Below is the list of all mods that add new visuals, utilities, quality-of-life (QOL), and other life-saving functions in Minecraft All the Mods 8 pack. There are quite a few QOL mods that are really useful to streamline your gameplay. FindMe, All The Tweaks, Guard Villagers, and Crafting Tweaks are some of the examples. You’ll definitely miss these new features when going back to vanilla Minecraft!
Mod | Description | Author |
Absent by Design | Adds models and code for the blocks; adds zero textures. | Lothrazar |
Additional Lanterns | Adds many new lanterns with different colors and materials! | SuperMartijn642 |
Additional Lights | This mod adds many new lights. Over 200 variations. | mgen256 |
AllTheCompressed | Adds 1-9x compressed versions of blocks | Pdiddy973 |
Allthemodium | Adds Allthemodium ore into the world. | thevortexFoxTopia, ATMTeam |
ATO – All the Ores | Unify all the common ores in ATM packs. | thevortexFoxTopia, ATMTeam |
Advancement Plaques [Forge] | Replace advancement popups with fancy glowing plaques. | Grend_G |
AIOT Botania | Creates Super Farmland. | MelanX |
All The Tweaks | Adjustments to the Minecraft Backgrounds for options menus. | thevortexFoxTopia |
Angel Ring | Adds an Angel Ring, which allows you to fly. | DenisMasterHerobrine |
AntiGhost | Adds the ability to search for key binds. | Giselbaer |
Apotheosis | Allows you to become stronger than ever before. | Shadows_of_Fire |
AppleSkin | Provides information about some Food-related mechanics. | squeek502 |
Applied Cooking | A mod that allows Applied Energistics 2 and Cooking for Blockheads to work together! | ItsSebastrn |
Aquaculture 2 | Expands the fishing system with over 30 new fish. | Shadow, Girafi |
Ars Elemental | Ars Nouveau addon. | Alexth99 |
Ars Nouveau | A magic mod inspired by Ars Magicka that allows players to craft their own spells. | baileyholl2, Gootastic |
Artifacts | Artifacts is a mod that aims to make exploration more rewarding by adding various powerful items that cannot be crafted. | ochotonida |
Baubley Heart Canisters | This mod adds back the old Tinkers’ Contruct heart canisters. | UpcraftLP, traverse_joe |
Bad Wither No Cookie – Reloaded | Block wither spawn, end dragon death, lightning, thunder, or other sounds you care to configure. | Kreezxil |
Bamboo Everything (Forge/Fabric) | This mod adds new building blocks made with bamboo, each block includes a dry texture variant as well. | Gaz_ |
Better Advancements | Successor to BetterAchievements. | way2muchnoise |
BetterF3 | Replaces Minecraft’s original debug HUD. | cominixo |
Blue Flame Burning | Makes soul fire burn entities with a blue flame. | LobsterJonn |
Blue Skies | Adds two dimensions called the Everbright and the Everdawn. | ModdingLegacy, silver_david, KingPhygieBoo, Lachney |
Botania | A tech mod themed around natural magic. | Vazkii |
Botany Pots | This mod adds the Botany Pot, which is a block that can grow all kinds of crops. | DarkhaxDev |
Botany Trees | This mod is an addon for Botany Pots. | DarkhaxDev |
Charm of Undying (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) | Adds curios and trinkets support for the Totem of Undying. | TheIllusiveC4 |
Chipped | Offers over 9,000 unique building blocks for Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack. | grimbop, kekie6, terrariumearth |
ChoiceTheorem’s Overhauled Village | This pack adds 20 village variants and pillager outpost variants. | ChoiceTheorem |
Adds many new items and blocks that expand upon the vanilla game. | Lets you click on the advancements in chat to open the Advancement window | someaddon |
Clumps | Clumps XP orbs together into a single entity to reduce lag. | Jaredlll08 |
Comforts | Adds sleeping bags and hammocks to Minecraft. | TheIllusiveC4 |
Connected Glass | Adds new types of glass with connecting textures! | SuperMartijn642 |
Controlling | Adds many new items and blocks that expand upon the vanilla game. | Jaredlll08 |
Corail Tombstone | Handles your death and provides tons of configuration options. | Corail_31 |
Corail Woodcutter | This mod provides a sawmill acting like the stonecutter but for wooden planks/logs. | Corail_31 |
Cosmetic Armor Reworked | This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor. | LainMI |
Crafting on a stick | This mod adds multiple workbenches on a stick. | OfekN_ |
Crafting Tweaks | This mod adds buttons to many supported Crafting Tables. | BlayTheNinth |
Create | A mod offering a variety of tools and blocks for Building, Decoration, and Aesthetic Automation. | simibubi |
Create Crafts & Additions | Extends Create and act as a bridge between electricity and kinetic energy by adding an Electric Motor. | MRHminer |
Creeper Overhaul | Replaces the vanilla creeper with a variety of different biome-specific creeper types | joosh_7889, ThatGravyBoat |
Croptopia | Adds 58 ground crops, 26 tree crops, and over 250 foods to eat. | thethonk |
Dark Mode Everywhere | Transform any GUI texture into a Dark Mode | Buuz135 |
Dark Utilities | Adds many new items and blocks which expand upon the vanilla game. | DarkhaxDev |
Deeper and Darker | Aims to improve and enhance the Deep Dark. | KyaniteMods |
DefaultSettings | Never lose local settings when updating your modpack! | PT400C |
Delightful | Farmer’s Delight addon with mod compatibility features and fun new foods. | brdbrn |
Domum Ornamentum | A mod where you open giant portals that pour forth hordes of enemies. | OrionOnline |
Dungeon Crawl | Generates large underground roguelike dungeon structures. | xiroc_ |
Eccentric Tome | Adds a single item: the Eccentric Tome. | EccentricVamp |
Elytra Slot (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) | Uses Curios API/Trinkets API to add an elytra slot to the player inventory. | TheIllusiveC4 |
Energy Meter | It adds a simple block you can use for measuring energy transfer rates. | Relentless |
EvilCraft | A magic/technical mod that is based on somewhat evil things. | kroeser |
Extreme sound muffler (Forge) | A client-side mod that allows you to muffle sounds selectively. | LeoBeliik |
Farmer’s Delight | Expands upon farming and cooking in Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack. | vectorwing |
Farming for Blockheads | This mod adds a Market block to Minecraft. | BlayTheNinth |
Farsight | A client-side util that lets you see farther than the view distance. | someaddon |
Fast Leaf Decay | Minecraft Forge mod that speeds up leaf decay. | olafskiii |
FindMe | Allows you to search for items in nearby inventories by pressing a key. | Buuz135 |
Fix Experience Bug | This mod fixes a bug when players travel to and from other modded dimensions | MacTso |
FlickerFix | This mod replaces night vision flicker behavior. | MutantGumdrop |
Game Menu Mod Option | Added MOD settings to the game menu as before 1.12.2 | morimori0317 |
Gateways to Eternity | A mod where you open giant portals which pour forth hordes of enemies. | Shadows_of_Fire |
Glassential | Add a bunch of cool glasses without the overhead of major content mod. | Lykrast |
Guard Villagers | Adds Guards and new villager-related AI changes. | almightytallestred |
Harvest with ease | With this mod, you can just right-click on your crops to harvest them and leave a new plant to grow! | Crystal_Spider_ |
Health Overlay | Replaces the default heart renderer. | Terrails |
Hex Casting | Adding stack-based programmable spellcasting. | petrak_at |
Hexerei | Delve into the magical world with mystical items. | JoeFoxe |
Iron Jetpacks | Iron Jetpacks is a fully customizable Forge Energy-powered jetpacks mod. | BlakeBr0 |
JourneyMap | Maps your Minecraft world in real-time as you explore. | techbrew, Mysticdrew, meme_sapiens |
JourneyMap Integration | Lets JourneyMap support some features from other mods | frankv_ |
Jumpy Boats | Make small jumps while riding a boat | LobsterJonn |
Just Enough Professions (JEP) | JEI addons, allow the user to determine which worktables are required for each villager profession. | Mrbysco, ShyNieke |
Just Enough Resources (JER) | JEI addon that adds lots of stuff | way2muchnoise |
Legendary Tooltips | Allow you to change the tooltips | Grend_G |
Mahou Tsukai | Magic mod focused mainly on spell uniqueness and special effects. | stepcros |
MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) | Adds a Target Dummy. | MehVahdJukaar |
More Dragon Eggs | Spawns a new dragon egg every time the dragon is killed. | Darkere |
More Overlays Updated | Adds some of the overlays back from NEI. | RiDGo8 |
Mouse Tweaks | Replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic. | YaLTeR |
Myrtrees | New custom tree – Rubber Trees. | Jake_Evans |
Mystical Agradditions | Adds Tier 6 crops. | BlakeBr0 |
Mystical Agriculture | Growing your resources with crops with 150+ materials. | BlakeBr0 |
Mystical Customization | Add and edit crops in Mystical Agriculture. | BlakeBr0 |
Naturalist | Adds more animals to the game that behave as they do in real life. | SameDifferent, crispytwig, Starfish_Studios, noonyeyzz |
Nature’s Aura | Collecting, using, and replenishing the Aura naturally present in the world. | Ellpeck |
Nature’s Compass | Utility item that allows you to search for a biome’s location and information. | Chaosyr |
NetherPortalFix | Keeps track of Nether Portals destinations in Multiplayer. | BlayTheNinth |
NoMoWanderer | Provides the player with a few blocks/items to prevent or control Wandering Trader spawns. | TheJDill |
Occultism | Magic mod inspired by the world of Jonathan Stroud’s Bartimaeus. | kli_kli |
Oh The Biomes You’ll Go | An exploration and adventure mod with 80+ biomes. | AOCAWOL, YaBoiChips_, Corgi_Taco |
PackMenu | Allows the user to change the way the Minecraft Main Menu looks. | Shadows_of_Fire |
Potions Master | Adds a new tier of potions | thevortexFoxTopia |
Productive Bees | Adds additional bees and advanced beehives. | LobsterJonn |
Quark | A large mod with lots of small features. | Vazkii |
Radon | Unofficial Fork of CaffeineMC’s “Phosphor.” | Asek3 |
Re-chiseled | Allows you to exchange between various decorative blocks with connected textures. | SuperMartijn642 |
ReAuth | Fixes the Problem of having to restart your Client when your Session is invalid. | TechnicianLP |
Reliquary Reincarnations | A collection of magical items and blocks. | P3pp3rF1y |
Repurposed Structures | New variants or modifications to vanilla features and structures. | telepathicgrunt |
Roots Classic | Create spell powder using natural ingredients. | Lothrazar |
Simply Light | Lighting mod with a simplistic design. | Flanks255 |
Small Ships | Vanilla-friendly Ships. | talhanation |
Sophisticated Backpacks | Focused on performing magical acts with souls. | P3pp3rF1y |
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition | A mod designed to encourage dietary variety! | lordcazsius |
Spirit | Allows you to transport Items, Fluids, and Energy | ThatGravyBoat, grimbop, CodexAdrian, terrariumearth |
Structure Compass | Adds a compass that can be used to locate structures. | Mrbysco |
Tesseract | Allows you to transport Items, Fluid, and Energy | SuperMartijn642 |
The Twilight Forest | A dimension exploration mod focused on adventure. | Drullkus, Squiggly_Androsa, Tamaized, Benimatic, GizmoTheMoonPig, jodlodi |
Time in a bottle standalone | Accelerate the rate at which blocks tick. | haoict |
Toast Control | Control what toasts show up in Minecraft. | Shadows_of_Fire |
Tool Belt | A utility belt that holds your tools. | gigaherz |
Torchmaster | Adds a special torch that prevents mob spawning in a configurable radius. | xalcon |
Trash Cans | Adds Trash Cans which can be used to void items, fluids, and energy! | SuperMartijn642 |
TrashSlot | Adds a trash slot to your inventory, allowing you to quickly and safely get rid of unwanted items. | BlayTheNinth |
Travel Anchors | Brings Travel Anchors from EnderIO. | CastCrafter |
Universal Grid | Adds a Universal Grid. | Ultramegaaa |
UtilitiX | Adds various things. | MelanX, noeppinoeppi |
Village Artifacts | Make villagers more useful. | Lothrazar |
Vitalize | Allows you to simulate the death of any mob. | ThatGravyBoat, CodexAdrian, terrariumearth |
Void Totem | A totem that prevents you from dying in the void. | Affehund |
Waystones | Adds chargers that can charge nearby blocks and players. | BlayTheNinth |
When Dungeons Arise | A massive dungeon generator. | Aureljz, diamondtown_ |
Wireless Chargers | Adds chargers which can charge nearby blocks and players. | SuperMartijn642 |
Wither Skeleton Tweaks | Makes farming and searching for wither skeletons a much easier task. | Shadows_of_Fire |
XyCraft | Foundation piece for all XyCraft mods. | Soaryn |
XyCraft: Override | Provides alternative appearances to vanilla blocks. | Soaryn |
XyCraft: World | A required component of most of XyCraft mods. | Soaryn |
Yeetus Experimentus | Disable the Experimental Settings popup. | Sunekaer |
2. Structures, Crafting, and Engineering Mods List Included in Minecraft All the Mods 8
This table lists all mods in the All the Mods 8 pack that brings new functions to the crafting and building mechanics in Minecraft. For example, the fan-favorite Ad Astra mod adds a space travel system to the land-based exploration title. Crafting buffs will also get a kick from various expansions added by the Integrated mod series. Aside from tons of mods, there are also simpler and more practical ones. Such as:
- Cooking for Blockheads
- MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod
- Macaw’s Lights and Lamps
- Inventory Essentials
- YUNG’s Better Dungeons
Among others. You can check out the mod pack highlights in the official Minecraft All the Mods 8 trailer from AlfredGGMC above.
Mod | Description | Author |
Ad Astra | A space mod with a focus on technology, travel, and exploration. | AlexNijjar |
Ad Astra!: Giselle Addon | Ad Astra! addon, add things for convenience, and compatibility. | 지젤쟝다 |
Additional Enchanted Miner | This is unofficial version of QuarryPlus created by yogpstop. | Kotori316 |
Advanced Generators | Free Form Multi Block Modular Multi System Power Generators. | bdew |
Advanced Peripherals | A mod that adds many useful extensions for CC:Tweaked(Computercraft). | srrendi, unhappywithoutu |
AE Additions – ExtraCells2 Fork | New storage cells for all types: 1024k, 4096k, 16384k, 65536k(only items) | MasterYodAT9G |
AE2 Things | Adds two machines from AE2Stuff the Advanced Inscriber and Crystal Growth Chamber. | thetechnici4n, ProjectET |
AEInfinityBooster | Adds Infinite Range Card and Dimension Card to AE2 | hexeptiondev |
Alchemistry | A tech mod, inspired by the classic Minechem. | Dark_Arcana, Timbroglio_Bat |
Almost Unified | Unify all resources in Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack. | Relentless, Lytho, AlmostReliable |
Applied Energistics 2 | A Mod about Matter, Energy, and using them to conquer the world. | TeamAppliedEnergistics, AlgorithmX2, thatsIch, thetechnici4n, Gimpanse |
Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals | A Fabric/Forge port of Wireless Crafting Terminal, Wireless Pattern Terminal, Wireless Interface Terminal, Wireless Fluid Terminal and Wireless Terminal Library. | Mari_023, DomamaN202 |
Applied Mekanistics | A Forge mod for 1.18.2. | ramidzkh, thetechnici4n, Gimpanse |
Ars Creo | Addon for Ars Nouveau and Create! | baileyholl2 |
Bigger Reactors | An energy generation mod based on Erogenous Beef. | RogueLogix, gizmocodes3750 |
Building Gadgets | Aims to make building a little bit easier. | Error_MiKeY, Direwolf20 |
Cable Tiers | This mod adds functions from Refined Storage and RSRequestify. | Ultramegaaa |
CC: Tweaked | Adds programmable computers, turtles, and more to the game. | SquidDev |
Charging Gadgets | This is a very simple mod that adds 1 single block. The charging station. | Direwolf20 |
Compact Machines | This is an unofficial version of QuarryPlus created by yogpstop. | davenonymous, RobotGryphon |
Construction Wand | With a Construction Wand, you can place multiple blocks (up to 1024) at once. | ThetaDev |
Cooking for Blockheads | Adds a cooking book along with a functional kitchen. | BlayTheNinth |
Dank Storage | Adds 7 new containers that function as storage and backpacks. | tfarecnim |
Deep Resonance | A power generation mod for Minecraft. | McJty |
DimStorage | Add a technological version of the ender chest system. | 3divad99 |
Elemental Craft | A magic mod based around the 4 elements: fire, water, earth, and air. | Sirttas |
EnderChests | Dimensional storage chest. | ShetiPhian |
EnderTanks | Dimensional liquid tank. | ShetiPhian |
Engineer’s Decor | The mod has its focus on decorative blocks and devices. | wilechaote |
Ensorcellation | Adds a bunch of new enchantments. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Entangled | Gives you the materials needed to bind two blocks together. | SuperMartijn642 |
Extra Disks | Add-on for Refined Storage. | MelanX |
ExtraStorage | Addon from Refined Storage. It adds 4 levels of crafters. | 3divad99 |
Flux Networks | Gives you the ability to build Wireless Energy Networks. | sonar_sonic, BloCamLimb |
FramedBlocks | Adds blocks of various shapes. | XFactHD |
FTB Industrial Contraptions | A tech mod included in Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack. | FTB |
Fuel Goes Here | Changes the behavior so the fuel slot is always filled first before filling the input slot. | LobsterJonn |
Functional Storage | An alternative take on the storage solution of Storage Drawers. | Buuz135, Ridanisaurus |
Gravitational Modulating Additional Unit | Provide additional features. | 지젤쟝다 |
Handcrafted | A mod to make your house into your home! | kekie6, AlexNijjar |
Immersive Engineering | Realism-inspired technology mod. | Sky_Som, malte0811, BluSunrize |
Industrial Foregoing | A mod that allows you to automate most of Minecraft’s functions. | Buuz135, hrznstudio |
Integrated Crafting | Automatically craft items, fluids, and energy in your Integrated Dynamics networks. | kroeser |
Integrated Dynamics | A mod that lets you build networks for complex automation and system integration. | kroeser |
Integrated NBT | An addon for Minecraft mod Integrated Dynamics. | scleox |
Integrated Terminals | Adds terminals for managing Integrated Dynamics networks. | kroeser |
Integrated Tunnels | Transfer items, fluids, and energy over your Integrated Dynamics networks. | kroeser |
Inventory Essentials | This mod adds a few inventory control enhancements. | BlayTheNinth |
Inventory Profiles Next | Help you keep your inventory sorted. | mirinimi |
Iron Furnaces | Push smelting to the absolute limit. | pizzaatime, XenoMustache |
Item Collectors | Adds Collectors which collect items in a specified range! | SuperMartijn642 |
LaserIO | Route Items, Fluids, and Energy around your world – with Lasers! | Direwolf20 |
Little Contraptions | Small add-on mod to Little Logistics. | EDToaster, Sveid_ |
Little Logistics | Water & Rail logistics mod. | EDToaster, Sveid_ |
Macaw’s Bridges | This simple mod adds a variety of bridges. | sketch_macaw |
Macaw’s Doors | Gives you the opportunity to make vanilla doors with every wood. | sketch_macaw |
Macaw’s Fences and Walls | Adds new vanilla-styled fences, walls, and gates. | sketch_macaw |
Macaw’s Lights and Lamps | Adds new light sources. | sketch_macaw |
Macaw’s Roofs | Lets you build a roof with actual roofs. | sketch_macaw |
Macaw’s Trapdoors | Adds vanilla trapdoors and some new trapdoors. | sketch_macaw |
ME Requester | Automatically keep items and fluids in your Applied Energistics 2 ME-System in stock. | Relentless |
Measurements | Allows measuring distance using a tape measure. | Mrbysco |
MEGA Cells | For when kilobytes just won’t do. | 62831853 |
Mekanism | A suite of low, mid, and high-tier machinery. | pupnewfster, bradyaidanc, thommy101, Thiakil |
Mekanism Generators | Addon to Mekanism. | pupnewfster, bradyaidanc, thommy101, Thiakil |
Mekanism Tools | Addon to Mekanism. | pupnewfster, bradyaidanc, thommy101, Thiakil |
MineColonies | An interactive building mod. | Raycoms, someaddon |
Mining Gadgets | Lets you mine with new tools and lasers. | Error_MiKeY, Direwolf20 |
Mob Grinding Utils | A fully modular system for mob farms. | vadis365, Flanks255 |
Modular Routers | A flexible mod for moving items around the world | desht_08 |
Morph-o-Tool | The Morphing Tool is a perfect “omni-wrench” for large modpacks. | Vazkii |
MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod | Adding functioning and useful furniture and decorations. | MrCrayfish |
Multi-Piston | Adds a multipiston block to the game. | Raycoms, OrionOnline |
OpenBlocks Elevator | Port of the elevator from OpenBlocks to 1.8+ (Forge) | vsngarcia |
Pipez | Adds simple and highly configurable pipes. | henkelmax |
Polymorph | Solves recipe conflicts. | TheIllusiveC4 |
Powah! (Rearchitected) | Adds new ways to generate, store, and transmit Energy. | thetechnici4n |
Pylons | Various new magic blocks. | MutantGumdrop |
Ranged Pumps | Adds a pump that pumps liquids in a range. | raoulvdberge |
Reborn Storage | Adding multi-block crafters and larger disks. | Gigabit101, modmuss50 |
Redstone Arsenal | Adds tools and weaponry which harness the power of Redstone Flux. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Refined Cooking | Allows Refined Storage and Cooking for Blockheads to work together! | ItsSebastrn |
Refined Storage | Mass storage mod that offers the player a network-based storage system. | raoulvdberge |
Refined Storage Addons | An addon mod for Refined Storage. | raoulvdberge |
Refined Storage: Requestify | An addon mod for Refined Storage. | Buuz135 |
RFTools Base | Base mod for all tech mods by McJty. | McJty |
RFTools Builder | Addon for RFTools Base. | McJty |
RFTools Control | Addon mod for the RFTools. | McJty |
RFTools Power | Addon for the RFTools mods. | McJty |
RFTools Storage | Addon for RFTools Base, which adds the storage system. | McJty |
RFTools Utility | 1.14+ version of the original RFTools. | McJty |
Rhino | A fork of Mozilla’s Rhino library, modified for use in mods. | LatvianModder |
RSInfinityBooster | Adds Infinite Range Card and Dimension Card to Refined Storage. | hexeptiondev |
Rubidium | Rubidium is an Unofficial Fork of CaffeineMC’s “Sodium.” | Asek3 |
Security Craft | Adds blocks and items to defend and secure your base. | bl4ckscor3, Geforce132, MasterPerki |
Shrink. | Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack that allows players to change size. | Gigabit101 |
Silent Gear | Allows you to build complicated machine contraptions and hide them within a single Compact Machine block. | SilentChaos512 |
Simple Magnets | Simple Magnets adds Magnets that pickup Items and Experience. | SuperMartijn642 |
Sophisticated Storage | Adds multiple tiers of Barrels, Chests, and Shulker Boxes. | P3pp3rF1y |
Super Factory Manager ( SFM ) | Adds a new scripting language for Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack. | TeamDman |
Supplementaries | Configurable Forge mod, adding valuable content. | MehVahdJukaar |
Tempad | Create a portal to any location. | MsRandom1, ThatGravyBoat, CodexAdrian, terrariumearth |
Thermal Cultivation | A collection of farming and food-related things. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Thermal Dynamics | Module containing ducts that allow for transport of Energy and Fluids. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Thermal Expansion | Contains the “industrial base,” for energy generation, storage, and resource processing. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Thermal Foundation | Collection of common components, resources, and tools. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Thermal Innovation | A collection of things that increase player-centric power. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Thermal Integration | All of the compatibility materials, recipes, and enhancements for Thermal Series. | TeamCoFH |
Thermal Locomotion | Rails and Minecarts for the Thermal Series. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Thermal Systeams | Enhance your power generation with Steam! | ChiefArug |
Thermal: Extra | Add new content to Thermal. | mrthomas20121 |
Theurgy | Magic mod built around alchemy. | kli_kli |
XNet | Networking cables to transport items, fluids, energy, and information. | McJty |
XNet Gases | Allows XNet to transport Mekanism chemicals. | Terrails |
YUNG’s Better Desert Temples | Redesigns vanilla desert temples. | YUNGNICKYOUNG, teratoutcourt |
YUNG’s Better Dungeons | Redesigns vanilla dungeons. | YUNGNICKYOUNG, teratoutcourt |
YUNG’s Better Mineshafts | Revamps vanilla abandoned mineshafts. | YUNGNICKYOUNG |
YUNG’s Better Nether Fortresses | Redesigns Nether fortresses. | YUNGNICKYOUNG, teratoutcourt |
YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments | Redesigns ocean monuments. | YUNGNICKYOUNG, teratoutcourt |
YUNG’s Better Strongholds | Redesigns strongholds. | YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander |
YUNG’s Better Witch Huts | Adds multiple new hut variants. | YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander |
YUNG’s Extras | A myriad of structures, features, and vanilla+ content. | YUNGNICKYOUNG, EveCommander |
3. API, Library, and Backend Mods List in the Mod Pack

Last but not least, you are also going to need these API and library tools in this list. Otherwise, most of the mods in this pack will not work on your game. Modders will also get a kick from many of the additional tools provided in All the Mods 8 packs they can use to modify Minecraft.
Mod | Description | Author |
AlchemyLib | A library mod for sharing code between ChemLib addon. | Dark_Arcana |
Architectury API | An intermediary API to ease developing multiplatform mods. | shedaniel, MaxNeedsSnacks, Juicebus |
Async Locator | Modifies vanilla behavior, mitigating lag. | bright_spark |
AttributeFix | Removes limits on the attribute system. | DarkhaxDev |
AutoRegLib | Common code for Vazkii mods. | Vazkii |
Balm | Abstraction Layer for Blay’s multiplatform mods. | BlayTheNinth |
BdLib | Collection of generic code for mods. | bdew |
BlockUI | An XML-based UI management system for Minecraft. | Raycoms, OrionOnline, someaddon |
Bookshelf | A collection of code, frameworks, utilities, and other resources. | DarkhaxDev |
Botarium | Makes modding on Forge and Fabric easier. | ThatGravyBoat, CodexAdrian, terrariumearth |
Caelus API | Utility mod that abstracts the hardcoded vanilla elytra. | TheIllusiveC4 |
ChemLib | Adds 950+ items, adding all known chemical elements. | Dark_Arcana, Timbroglio_Bat |
Cloth Config API | Config screen API. | shedaniel, LinkieIsBetterThanK9 |
CoFH Core | Contains Core Functionality for Team CoFH mods. | TeamCoFH, KingLemmingCoFH |
Common Capabilities | Improves mod interactions. | kroeser |
Configured | Mod that creates a configuration menu for moda. | MrCrayfish |
ConnectedTexturesMod | Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, etc. | tterrag1098 |
Connectivity | Lightweight mod which solves connection problems. | someaddon |
CorgiLib | Code for Corgi Taco’s mods. | Corgi_Taco |
Crash Utilities | Tools for finding and fixing server problems. | Darkere |
Cucumber Library | Contains shared code and functionality. | BlakeBr0 |
Curios API | Accessory/equipment API. | TheIllusiveC4 |
Cyclops Core | Allows you to declare custom recipes via XML. | kroeser |
DataPack Anvil | A library mod for datapack-driven mods. | Sirttas |
EdivadLib | A common library for Minecraft All the Mods 8 Mod pack. | 3divad99 |
Entity Collision FPS Fix | Client Side mod that optimizes entities on the render thread. | Corgi_Taco |
Entity Culling | Using async path-tracing to skip rendering Block/Entities that are not visible. | tr7zw |
FastFurnace | Utilizes mixins to edit the functionality of the Furnace, Blast Furnace, and Smoker. | Shadows_of_Fire |
FastSuite | Enables faster execution of recipe matching. | Shadows_of_Fire |
FastWorkbench | Improves performance of all crafting-related functions. | Shadows_of_Fire |
FerriteCore | This mod reduces memory usage. | malte0811 |
FTB Chunks | A allows you to claim chunks. | FTB, Error_MiKeY |
FTB Essentials | Adds many essential utility commands for servers: | FTB, Error_MiKeY |
FTB Library | Common code for all GUI stuff in FTB Mods. | FTB, Error_MiKeY |
FTB Quests | A lightweight, team-based questing mod. | FTB, Error_MiKeY |
FTB Ranks | Adds ranking system. | FTB, Error_MiKeY |
FTB Teams | Library for mods that can utilize team progressions. | FTB, Error_MiKeY |
FTB Ultimine | This mod allows you to harvest multiple blocks at once. | FTB, Error_MiKeY |
GeckoLib | An animation engine for Minecraft Mods. | Gecko |
Get It Together, Drops! | This mod adds two configuration options to control how dropped items combine on the ground. | bl4ckscor3 |
Iceberg | This library contains new events, helpers, and utilities. | Grend_G |
Item Filters | A library mod that is used by mods like FTB Quests | LatvianModder |
JCPlugin | Core Plugin Library for JomcraftNetwork’s mods | PT400C |
Just Enough Items (JEI) | An item and recipe viewing mod. | mezz |
Kotlin for Forge | Used to make mods with Kotlin. | thedarkcolour |
KubeJS | Lets you create scripts in JavaScript to manage your server. | LatvianModder |
Lazy DataFixerUpper(LazyDFU) | Optimization mod that makes the initialization of DataFixerUpper “lazy.” | Corgi_Taco, tuxed |
Let Me Despawn | Improves performance by tweaking mob despawn rules. | frikinjay1 |
libIPN | Used by Inventory Profiled Next. | mirinimi |
LibX | A library mod that contains a lot of code used by other mods. | MelanX, noeppinoeppi |
Lootr | All loot chests are instanced per player and visually unique. | Noobanidus, ZestyBlaze, embeddedt |
McJtyLib | A companion mod for mods from McJty and romelo333. | McJty |
Mod Name Tooltip | Shows which mod an ItemStack came from on its tooltip. | mezz |
Model Gap Fix | Fixes small gaps in item and block models. | MehVahdJukaar |
Modonomicon | Data-driven in-game documentation. | kli_kli |
Moonlight Lib | Formerly Selene Library. | MehVahdJukaar |
My Server Is Compatible | Disables “Incompatible FML modded server” message. | Focamacho |
Observable | Shows you what’s taking up tick time and where. | tasgon |
Oculus | Unofficial Fork of “Iris.” | Asek3 |
Patchouli | Data-driven documentation for modders. | Vazkii |
PAUCAL | Petrak@’s Assorted, Useful Collection of Assistance Library. | petrak_at |
Phosphophyllite | Used by mods in the Bigger Series. | RogueLogix, gizmocodes3750 |
Pig Pen Cipher | Adds the Pig Pen Cipher as a new font. | DarkhaxDev |
Placebo | Holds shared code. | Shadows_of_Fire |
Platforms | Adds platforms with a range of customization. | ShetiPhian |
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized | Pressure generation based on compressed air. | desht_08, Minemaarten |
Ponder for KubeJS | Create custom Ponder scenes with KubeJS. | Lytho |
Prism | Utilities to add color-related functionality to your mods. | Grend_G |
Quartz |
Quartz rendering library.
| RogueLogix |
Resourceful Config | Cross-platform configuration. | ThatGravyBoat |
Resourceful Lib | Library that contains valuable utilities and APIs. | ThatGravyBoat, epic_oreo |
Runelic | Allows the Runelic font to be used. | DarkhaxDev |
Saturn | Memory usage optimizer. | AbdElAziz333 |
Scalable Cat’s Force | A library for mods written in Scala. | Kotori316 |
SebastrnLib | Common lib project for all Sebastrn mods. | ItsSebastrn |
ShetiPhianCore | Core classes for mods. | ShetiPhian |
Silent Lib (silentlib) | Shared classes for mods. | SilentChaos512 |
Simple Backups | Used to create backups. | MelanX |
SmartBrainLib | A brain library. | Scimiguy |
Smooth Boot | Optimization mod and unofficial fork of Smooth Boot. | AbdElAziz333 |
Sophisticated Core | A library mod for mods. | P3pp3rF1y |
spark | Performance profiler. | Iucko |
Structure Gel API | API mod designed to make creating structures easier. | ModdingLegacy, silver_david |
Structurize | A server utility mod. | Raycoms, OrionOnline, Asherslab |
SuperMartijn642’s Config Lib | Allows you to specify a config. | SuperMartijn642 |
SuperMartijn642’s Core Lib | Adds lots of basic implementations for GUIs, blocks, tile entities, and network packets. | SuperMartijn642 |
TerraBlender | Library mod for adding biomes. | TheAdubbz |
The One Probe | A more immersive version of WAILA. | McJty |
Titanium | Library for Horizon Studio. | Buuz135 |
YUNG’s API | A library mod for some of YUNG’s Forge mods. | YUNGNICKYOUNG |
And that is all the 300+ mods listed in the Minecraft All the Mods 8 pack that will surely improve your mining and crafting experiences.
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