At the end of Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V – Masquerade of the Guilty, Skirk appeared in Genshin Impact. For some, it may be an unexpected and completely new character. But for fans, if they read the story without skipping all the dialogue, they will already know who she is. The little that can be mentioned, without making so many spoilers from the beginning, is that Childe’s arrival in Fontaine is no coincidence. So, buckle up because we’ll tell you everything we know about this mysterious character who just reached the Hydro Nation.
Who is Skirk in Genshin Impact?

We mentioned that the arrival of Tartaglia in Fontaine and his disappearance have a crucial reason. Yet, we must place ourselves years before Childe had no title or pseudonym when he was known more as Ajax, his real name. Ajax was not the formidable warrior he is today. At 14 years old, he was escaping from a pair of bears in a snowy forest in his native Snezhnaya. During his escape, Ajax fell into a bottomless crack in the earth’s surface that led him to an ancient world. This is where the teenage Ajax meets a mysterious woman, Skirk.
Skirk became Ajax’s teacher when she saw the enormous ambition in the young man and decided to teach him how to survive in the Abyss. This training lasted only 3 months before Ajax returned to his family, only to realize that in “the real world,” only 3 days had passed. Ajax did not tell this to anyone, but after that experience, he was not the same; he had become someone with a thirst for battle. This training was the first step for Ajax to become Tartaglia eventually.
How is Skirk Related to Fontaine’s Arc?

After the incident, there is no more information about Skirk, except for the concept art of the massive leak. This may seem more like Childe’s story, but both characters are more related than we think. Childe was looking for years to return to the Abyss; he even talks about feeling that something is “calling” him. This is why Childe is in Fontaine and what makes him disappear inside the Fortress of Meropide.
At the same time, the Traveler is trying to stop the prophecy and witness the trial of Focalors. It’s during the execution of Furina that a rift appears along the All-Devouring Narwhal. This is the creature that Childe has been looking for since he met Skirk and has been calling out to him. Also, the Narwhal is responsible for the overflow of the Primordial Sea. It is only after defeating this boss that Skirk appears briefly, and she has to take care of her “master’s pet,” which, among many names, she calls Gold.
Skirk provides more information about the Descenders and how their presence can affect the “Surface.” But it is also closely related to Gold or Rhinedottir. Gold, also Surtalogi, is known as an alchemist of Khaenri’ah and the “R “Hexenzirkel member. Gold is also known as the “mother” of Albedo, Durin, and other creatures, so she can stay alive by creating specimens like the Narwhal. So, Genshin Impact could be closer to seeing what is beyond the Abyss.
To summarize, Skirk is Tartaglia’s teacher and Rhinedottir’s student. Also, she said she would reappear, so Skirk might be a crucial part of the story after the Traveler meets the 7 nations of Genshin Impact. Since she knows much more about Khaenri’ah, the Abyss, and probably what happened 500 years ago.