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Whenever you ask anyone about what’s the fastest way to make money in FFXIV, they’ll always recommend leveling up your crafters, which is even more accurate with the release of Dawntrail. The best way to get gil in the game is by selling high-end gear, rare glamour items, or Materia. The latter is obtainable by using your hard-earned Scrips. However, you must take all your Disciples of the Hand to level 100. Since that sounds like a challenging task, we’ve made a guide to help you take each crafting job to the max level in a couple of hours.
FFXIV Dawntrail: Disciples of the Hand Leveling Guide
Before we delve into the dos and don’ts, let us give a quick disclaimer. First, this guide should take each crafting job to level 100 in less than an hour. However, that doesn’t mean all crafters will reach level 100 in an hour. It is one hour per job. Second, you’ll need to spend either a lot of time farming the required materials with your gatherers or spend a lot of gil on them, depending on the server. So, with that out of the way, let’s get started.
Spamming Collectables

To get this out of the way, the most efficient and only way to level up your crafters fast in FFXIV Dawntrail is through collectables. While you can spam leves, you’ll need to sink a lot of time into that, and if you don’t have enough allowances, you’ll hit a roadblock. Collectables, on the other hand, are reliable, don’t have a limit, and as long as you have the right macro, you can automate almost everything. However, before you even begin the process, you need to do the following:
- Finish Dawntrail‘s MSQ, or at least get to the point where you unlock collectables in Solution Nine.
- If possible, try to get your crafters’ item level to at least 630. You don’t need to hit stat caps or anything, but 630 will allow you to complete the macro.
- Try to level your gatherers first to level 100 if you want to gather the materials by yourself instead of buying them on the market board.
Once you’ve done the above steps, with the first two being the only true hard requirements, you can start crafting your collectables. Below is a list of the ones we recommend crafting all the way from level 90 to 100.
Job | Collectable | Materials |
Culinarian | Rarefied Boiled Alpaca Steak | Galago Mint x2 (Vendor) Alpaca Fillet x2 (Vendor) Megamaguey Pineapple x5 (Vendor) Lemonette x1 (Gather) Cooking Mezcal x2 (Craft with the above materials) |
Carpenter | Rarefied Ginseng Earrings | Ginseng Log x10 (Gather) Snow Cotton x10 (Gather) Ginseng Log x2 (Craft with the above materials) Snow Cotton Cloth x2 (Craft with the above materials) |
Goldsmith | Rarefied Jar Longbow | Lunatender Blossom x1 (Vendor) Mousse Flesh x3 (Vendor) Molybdenum Ore x1 (Gather) High Durium Sand x2 (Gather) Lar Ore x10 (Gather) Mountain Chromite Ore x5 (Gather) Moon Gel x1 (Craft with the above materials) Mountain Chromite Ingot x1 (Craft with the above materials) Lar Ingot x2 (Craft with the above materials) |
Leatherworker | Rarefied Loboskin Fingerless Gloves | Silver Lobo Hide x8 (Vendor) Eblan Alumen x2 (Gather) Snow Cotton x10 (Gather) Silver Lobo Leather x2 (Craft with the above materials) Snow Cotton Cloth x2 (Craft with the above materials) |
Alchemist | Rarefied Loboskin Grimoire | Petalouda Scales x1 (Vendor) Silver Lobo Hide x8 (Vendor) Eblan Alumen x2 (Gather) Manganese Ore x4 (Gather) Ambrosial Water x1 (Gather) Ginseng Log x5 (Gather) Enchanted Manganese Ink x1 (Craft with the above materials) Ginseng Lumber x1 (Craft with the above materials) Silver Lobo Leather x2 (Craft with the above materials) |
Armorer | Rarefied Mountain Chromite Alembic | Molybdenum Ore x3 (Gather) High Durium Sand x1 (Gather) Mountain Chromite Ore x15 (Gather) Lar Ore x5 (Gather) Mountain Chromite Ingot x3 (Craft with the above materials) Lar Ingot x1 (Craft with the above materials) |
Blacksmith | Rarefied Mountain Chromite Fists | Molybdenum Ore x2 (Gather) High Durium Sand x2 (Gather) Mountain Chromite Ore x10 (Gather) Lar Ore x10 (Gather) Mountain Chromite Ingot x2 (Craft with the above materials) Lar Ingot x2 (Craft with the above materials) |
Weaver | Rarefied Snow Cotton Beret | Silver Lobo Hide x8 (Vendor) Eblan Alumen x2 (Gather) Snow Cotton x10 (Gather) Silver Lobo Leather x2 (Craft with the above materials) Snow Cotton Cloth x2 (Craft with the above materials) |
The number of collectables you’ll need to make to level up your crafters in FFXIV Dawntrail will vary depending on several factors, such as rested experience and how many levels you get while crafting all items. Regardless, hitting level 100 on these jobs should take at least an hour. To get the job done, we’ve gathered a macro by Primalliquid on YouTube. You can set it up in your game as such:
/ac Reflect
/ac Manipulation
/ac "Delicate Synthesis"
/ac "Waste Not II"
/ac Innovation
/ac "Preparatory Touch"
/ac "Preparatory Touch"
/ac "Preparatory Touch"
/ac "Byregot's Blessing"
/ac Veneration
/ac Groundwork
/ac Groundwork
/ac Groundwork
/echo Craft finished
If you did the first three steps as we recommended, you shouldn’t have any issues when executing the macro. In case something fails, you can always meld Materia to your gear to hit certain stat caps. Luckily, you’ll be using Endwalker materia, which is much cheaper now. Also, regarding the materials, we recommend gathering them all unless your server’s market board isn’t too expensive. However, if you’re in a congested world, it is better to spend a few hours gathering everything you’ll need. But once you do that, you can level up all your crafters in FFXIV Dawntrail in a couple of hours just by turning in collectables.