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Materia aren’t just colorful balls. Well, yes, they are, but they’re also incredibly powerful tools that contain parts of the Earth’s essence. In total, there are five different types of Materia that you can use in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and each color provides a different type of magic. Tons of Materia are even better set into the weapons and items of certain party members if you want the best builds.
FF7 Rebirth Green Materia

Green Materia are known as Magic Materia. These Materia will contain powers like Ice, Fire, and others in that realm.
Materia Name | Where To Find | Upgrades |
Empowerment | Attached to Cait Sith. | 1. Bravery 2. Faith |
Comet | Obtained via Chadley’s Materia Development for Nibel. | 1. Comet 2. Cometeora |
Healing | Attached to Cloud. | 1. Cure 2. Cura 3. Regen 4. Curaga |
Fire | Attached to Cloud or can be bought in stores. | 1. Fire 2. Fira 3. Firaga |
Ice | Attached to Tifa and can also be purchased at stores. | 1. Blizzard 2. Blizzara 3. Use Blizzaga |
Revival | Obtained via Chadley’s Combat Simulator after completing Nibel Region Intel: Level 2. | 1. Raise 2. Arise |
Wind | Attached to Aerith and can also be found in different general stores. | 1. Aero 2. Aerora 3. Aeroga |
Lightning | Barret’s starting Materia and it can also be found in different general stores. | 1. Thunder 2. Thundara 3. Thundaga |
Poison | A starting Materia of Red XIII’s, but can also be purchased in stores. | 1. Bio 2. Biora 3. Bioga |
Barrier | Obtained via Chadley’s Combat Simulator after completing Cosmo Canyon Intel: Level 1. | 1. Barrier 2. Manaward 3. Manawall |
Fortification | Can be found in stores after Chapter 6. | 1. Protect 2. Shell |
Disempowerment | This Materia can be found in stores after Chapter 9. | 1. Debrave 2. Defaith |
Enervation | Attached to Yuffie but can also be bought at stores after Chapter 9. | 1. Deprotect 2. Deshell |
Fire and Ice | Obtained via Chadley’s Materia Development for Grasslands. | 1. Fire and Blizzard 2. Fira and Blizzara 3. Firaga and Blizaga |
Lightning and Wind | Obtained via Chadley’s Materia Development for Junon. | 1. Thunder and Aero 2. Thundara and Aerora 3. Thundaga and Aeroaga |
Cleansing | Obtained via Chadley’s Combat Simulator after completing Junon Region Intel: Level 2. | 1. Poisana 2. Esuna 3. Resist |
Reraise | You can find this in Chadley’s Materia Development in Meridian Ocean. | Revive allies. |
Petrify | You can find this in Chadley’s Materia Development in Gongaga. | 1. Quake 2. Quakera 3. Quaga |
Poison and Petrify | You can find this in Chadley’s Materia Development in Cosmo Canyon. | 1. Bio and Quake 2. Biora and Quakera 3. Bioga and Quaga |
Gravity | You can find this in Chadley’s Materia Development in Corel Region. | 1. Gravity 2. Gravira 3. Graviga |
Binding | Get an A rank during Aerith’s Theme piano minigame. | 1. Sleep 2. Silence 3. Berserk |
Time | Obtained via Chadley’s Combat Simulator after completing Nibel Region Intel: Level 1. | 1. Haste 2. Slow 3. Stop |
Subversion | At the Rest Stop in Hall of Life. | 1. Breach 2. Dispel |
FF7 Rebirth Yellow Materia

Yellow Materia is used to execute special abilities while in battle. Some of these Materia are available to you from the beginning, like Assess and Chakra. They are going to be some of the most important Materia in your whole arsenal.
Materia Name | Where To Find | Upgrades |
Spare Change | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Meridian Ocean. | 1. Spare Change |
Assess | Cloud and Yuffie’s starting Materia. | 1. Assess one target 2. Assess all targets |
Steal | Yuffie’s starting Materia and it can be purchased at stores. | 1. Steal |
Chakra | Tifa’s starting Materia and it can also be bought at general stores. | 1. Restore 20% 2. Restore |
Prayer | Aerith’s starting Materia. | 1. Slight HP restoration 2. Modest HP restoration 3. Moderate HP restoration 4. Great HP restoration 5. Significant HP restoration |
Morph | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Grasslands. | 1. Morph |
Limit Siphon | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Gongaga. | 1. Limit Syphon |
Enemy Skill | Complete Chadley’s Combat Simulator Biological Intel: Know Thine Enemy. | 1. Enemy skills as abilites. 2. Max HP increased by 5%. 3. Max HP increased by 5%. 4. Max HP increased by 5%. 5. Max HP increased by 5%. |
Item Economizer | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Grasslands. | 1. Use items without using ATB. 3 recharges. 2. Use items without using ATB. 2 recharges. 3. Use items without using ATB. 1 recharge. |
ATB Boost | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Corel Region. | 1. ATB boost with a 180-second cooldown. 2. ATB boost with a 150-second cooldown. 3. ATB boost with a 120-second cooldown. 4. ATB boost with a 90-second cooldown. 5. ATB boost with a 60-second cooldown. |
Jump | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Cosmo Canyon. | 1. Jump |
Darkside | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Nibel Region. | 1. Ability potency increased by 7% and take 5% damage each time. 2. Ability potency increased by 10% and take 5% damage each time. 3. Ability potency increased by 15% and take 5% damage each time. 4. Ability potency increased by 17% and take 5% damage each time. 5. Ability potency increased by 20% and take 5% damage each time. |
Gambler | Complete the Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop side quest. | 1. Gamble 2. Gamble and reduce MP cost by 25%. 3. Gamble and reduce MP cost by 50%. |
FF7 Rebirth Red Materia

Red Materia is different from any other Materia because it is used to summon powerful allies. A lot of these allies will be familiar to you, as they’re staples in the Final Fantasy universe.
Materia Name | Where To Find | Overview |
Alexander | Complete the Chadley’s Combat Simulator event Summon Entity: Alexander. | Uses ultimate attack Divine Judgement and deals repeated, non-elemental damage. |
Bahamut Arisen | Complete the Chadley’s Combat Simulator event Summon Entity: Bahamut. | Takes advantage of the ultimate ability GIgaflare and also deals a ton of repeated, non-elemental damage. |
Chocobo & Moogle | Attached to Cloud. | Deals both wind and non-elemental damage and has an ultimate called Stampede. |
Gilgamesh | Defeat Gilgamesh. | Has a large arsenal of weapons and uses an ultimate titled Ultimate Illusion. |
Ifrit | Attached to Red XIII. | Deals a lot of fire damage with it’s Hellfire ultimate. |
Kujata | Complete the Chadley’s Combat Simulator event Summon Entity: Kujata. | Deals fire, ice, and lightning damage with it’s ultimate Tri-Disaster. |
Leviathan | Have a save file from Final Fantasy 7 Remake. | This Summon deals non-elemental damage and also has an ultimate ability called Tidal Wave. |
Magic Pot | Purchase the Digital Deluxe or Collector’s Edition of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. | Unlike other Summons, this one protects your party with its ultimate attack, Magic Elixir. |
Moogle Trio | Preorder a digital version of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. | Three Moogles attack with their ultimate ability, Kupvalse. |
Odin | Complete the Chadley’s Combat Simulator event Summon Entity: Odin. | Odin deals non-elemental damage with repeated attacks and has an ultimate called Zantetsuken. |
Phoenix | Complete the Chadley’s Combat Simulator event Summon Entity: Phoenix. | This one deals fire damage with its Rebirth Flame ultimate. |
Ramuh | Have a save file from Final Fantasy 7 Episode INTERmission. | Ramuh deals a lot of lightning damage which is only increased with its Judgement Bolt ultimate. |
Shiva | Attached to Aerith. | Deals a lot of ice damage with its ultimate, Diamond Dust. |
Titan | Complete the Chadley’s Combat Simulator event Summon Entity: Titan. | Titan deals a lot of non-elemental damage and has an ultimate ability called Earthen Fury. |
FF7 Rebirth Purple Materia

All of the purple Materia can be used to provide passive effects to those in your party.
Materia Name | Where To Get | Upgrades |
Precision Defense Focus | Can be purchased from general stores. | 1. Extends input timing for more precise defense. 2. Increases your stagger damage. 3. Prevents binding attacks. |
HP Up | You can find this in general stores after Chapter 6. | 1. Increase max HP by 10%. 2. Increase max HP by 15%. 3. Increase max HP by 20%. 4. Increase max HP by 25%. 5. Increase max HP by 30%. |
Magic Up | Complete Chadley’s Combat Simulator Cosmo Battle Intel: Antediluvian Memories. | 1. Magic boost 5%. 2. Magic boost 10% 3. Magic boost 15%. 4. Magic boost 20%. 5. Magic boost 25%. |
Gil Up | Found in the GP Exchange at the Chocobo Race game in Gold Saucer. | 1. Increases your gil amount in battle. |
MP Up | Can be found in general stores after Chapter 9. | 1. Increase max MP by 10%. 2. Increase max MP by 15%. 3. Increase max MP by 20%. 4. Increase max MP by 25%. 5. Increase max MP by 30%. |
First Strike | Complete Chadley’s Battle Simulator Cosmo Battle Intel: Flower of Destruction. | 1. Small ATB increase. 2. Medium ATB increase. 3. Large ATB increase. |
Item Master | Can be purchased in general stores after Chapter 4. | 1. Increase item efficacy by 30%. 2. Increase item efficacy by 40%. 3. Increase item efficacy by 50%. |
Spirit Up | Complete Chadley’s Battle Simulator Junon Battle Intel: White Squall or Gongaga Battle Intel: Lethal Combo. | 1. Increase spirit by 5%. 2. Increase spirit by 10%. 3. Increase spirit by 15%. 4. Increase spirit by 20%. 5. Increase spirit by 25%. |
Steadfast Block | Complete Chadley’s Battle Simulator Combat Training: Synergy and it can be purchased from general stores after Chapter 6. | 1. Take slightly less damage and a small ATB boost when you guard. 2. Take less damage and a medium ATB boost when you guard. 3. Take even less damage and a large ATB boost when you guard. |
Luck Up | Attached to Cait Sith and can be purchased from general stores after Chapter 4. | 1. Increase luck by 10%. 2. Increase luck by 20%. 3. Increase luck by 30%. 4. Increase luck by 40%. 4. Increase luck by 50%. |
Auto-Unique Ability | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Grasslands. | 1. Automatically use unique abilities when the player is not actively being controlled. |
Strength Up | Complete Chadley’s Combat Simulator Corel Battle Intel: Sand Slitherers. | 1. Increase strength by 5%. 2. Increase strength by 10%. 3. Increase strength by 15%. 4. Increase strength by 20%. 5. Increase strength by 25%. |
Vitality Up | Complete Chadley’s Combat Simulator Grasslands Battle Intel: Plain Stalkers. | 1. Increase vitality by 5%. 2. Increase vitality by 10%. 3. Increase vitality by 15%. 4. Increase vitality by 20%. 5. Increase vitality by 25%. |
Speed Up | Complete Chadley’s Combat Simulator Grasslands Battle Intel: Plain Stalkers. | 1. Increase speed by 5%. 2. Increase speed by 10%. 3. Increase speed by 15%. 4. Increase speed by 20%. 5. Increase speed by 25%. |
EXP Up | Can be found in the Amberstar Chamber. | 1. Increases the amount of EXP earned. |
Provoke | Complete Chadley’s Combat Simulator Grasslands Battle Intel: Natural Order. | 1. Provoke for 60 seconds. 2. Provoke for 90 seconds. 3. Provoke for 120 seconds. |
ATB Stagger | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Junon. | 1. Small ATB boost on staggered foes. 2. Medium ATB boost on staggered foes. 3. Large ATB boost on staggered foes. |
ATB Assist | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Nibel. | 1. Small ATB increase for allies that repeat two commands. 2. Medium ATB increase for allies that repeat two commands. 3. Large ATB increase for allies that repeat two commands. |
Skill Master | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Cosmo Canyon. | 1. Small ATB increase for allies after repeating three commands. 2. Medium ATB increase for allies after repeating three commands. 3. Large ATB increase for allies after repeating three commands. |
Auto-Weapon Ability | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Corel Region. | 1. Auto-Weapon 2. Increase strength by 2%. |
Synergy Support | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Gongaga. | 1. Increases synergy with party members while in a battle. |
Limit Support | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Meridian Ocean. | 1. Limit gauge increases get transferred to other allies. |
HP <> MP | Found next to the Nivel Spring in Nibel. | 1. Swaps HP and MP values. |
ATK <> MATK | Found in the Research Facility E4 inside the Shinra Manor. | 1. Swaps physical attack and magic attack values. |
VIT <> SPR | Complete Chadley’s Battle Simulator Nibel Battle Intel: Death’s Harbingers. | 1. Swaps vitality and spirit values. |
FF7 Rebirth Blue Materia

The blue Materia are primarily used as support magic.
Materia Name | Where To Find | Upgrades |
Level Boost | Attached to Cait Sith and can also be found in Chadley’s Battle Simulator Cosmo Battle Intel: Nature’s Vengeance. | Increases linked Materia level by one. |
Auto-Cast | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Grasslands. | 1. Auto-Cast 2. Increase magic usage by 2%. |
Magnify | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Junon. | 1. Expand the range of liked Materia with the potency modified by -60% whenever expanded. 2. Expand the range of liked Materia with the potency modified by -45% whenever expanded. 3. Expand the range of liked Materia with the potency modified by -25% whenever expanded. |
Elemental | Can be found in Chadley’s Battle Simulator Junon Battle Intel: Conqueror of the Skies. | 1. Adds 8% linked elemental damage to weapons and halved linked elemental damage to armor. 2. Adds 15% linked elemental damage to weapons and prevents linked elemental damage to armor. 3. Adds 23% linked elemental damage to weapons and absorbs linked elemental damage to armor. |
Synergy | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Cosmo Canyon. | Allies will follow the leader’s attack. |
AP Up | Can be found in Chadley’s Battle Simulator Nibel Battle Intel: Chthonian Rhondo. | Increase AP earned for linked Materia by 100%. |
Warding | Can be found in general stores after Chapter 10. | 1. Reduce the duration of your debuff by 25%. 2. Reduce the duration of your debuff by 50%. 3. Reduce the duration of your debuff by 100%. |
HP Absorption | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Corel Region. | 1. Absorb HP as 15% damage dealt. 2. Absorb HP as 25% damage dealt. 3. Absorb HP as 35% damage dealt. |
MP Absorption | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Nibel Region. | 1. Absorb MP as 0.1% damage dealt. 2. Absorb MP as 0.2% damage dealt. 3. Absorb MP as 0.3% damage dealt. |
Magic Efficiency | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Junon. | 1. Reduce MP cost of linked Materia by 15%. 2. Reduce MP cost of linked Materia by 30%. 3. Reduce MP cost of linked Materia by 50%. |
Magic Focus | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in Gongaga. | 1. Increase the potency of linked Materia spells by 5%. 2. Increase the potency of linked Materia spells by 10%. 3. Increase the potency of linked Materia spells by 15%. 4. Increase the potency of linked Materia spells by 20%. 5. Increase the potency of linked Materia spells by 25%. |
Swiftcast | Found in Chadley’s Materia Development in the Meridian Ocean. | 1. Reduce the cast time of linked Materia spells by 50%. 2. Reduce the cast time of linked Materia spells by 60%. 3. Reduce the cast time of linked Materia spells by 70%. 4. Reduce the cast time of linked Materia spells by 80%. 5. Reduce the cast time of linked Materia spells by 100%. |
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is available now on the PS5.