Learning how to complete The Polyjuice Plot quest in Hogwarts Legacy means you will be moving forward in the game’s main quest line. More specifically, you will be completing the 34th main quest in the game and making your way closer to completing the 3rd trial. In this quest, you will have to drink a Polyuice Potion given to you by Professor Fig and pretend to be Headmaster Black for a short time to gain access to his office. Once you’re within his office, you will be able to begin the 3rd trial for Niamh Fitzgerald. Keep reading to learn how to complete the Polyjuice Plot quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

How to Complete The Polyjuice Plot in Hogwarts Legacy
To begin with, you will want to make sure that you have completed the Headmistress Speaks main quest and you are at least Level 23. Then, head to Professor Fig to talk to him about how you are going to sneak into Headmaster Black’s office.
Speak to Professor Fig in His Office

Head over to Professor Fig’s office. Once you’re there, Professor Fig will tell you that he has a plan in place for you already, a plan that involves a Polyjuice Potion. It just so happens that he’s got one on hand already, regardless of the fact that you only recently learned that you needed it. Professor Fig will have you drink the potion, and you will be temporarily turned into Headmaster Black.
Now, he will send you off to speak to Madam Kogawa to find information on Scrope.
Speak to Madam Kogawa about Scrope

Head outside, where you can find Madam Kogawa waiting for you and ready to give you an earful about the current Quidditch situation. After letting her hopes down and irritating her a bit, Madam Kogawa will tell you that she last saw Scrope in the Great Hall.
Learn the Password from Scrope

When you arrive in the Great Hall, you will find Scrope near the front of the room cleaning. Approach Scrope and ask him about the password. Scrope will be suspicious but soon comes to the conclusion that you are testing him, and he will give you the information you need.

Scrope will tell you that the password in the Black Family Motto, Always Pure translates to Toujours Pur in French.
Hide as the Polyjuice Potion Wears Off
By now, the Polyjuice Potion will begin to wear off, and you will have to run for cover and hide before anyone can see you transform back into your character.

Once this has been done, the quest will be complete, and it is time for you to move on to the next main quest in the game.

You can see the quest completed here.
This is everything you need to know about how to complete The Polyjuice Plot in Hogwarts Legacy. Be sure to check back for more useful and interesting guides, and as always, be safe and have fun!