There’s no way to tackle the Sky Realm without a hefty dose of combat. Just like in Fire Emblem and other RPGs, how much damage you do plays a big part in determining the outcome of a battle. Damage Caps are an important factor in calculating your skyfarers’ damage, but they need to be used correctly. Worse, it can be tricky to understand the ins and outs of this mechanic in the first place. Whether you’re utilizing Sigils or Mastery Points, playing solo or with your friends, this system is the key to maximizing your DPS potential. Here’s how Damage Caps work in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
Granblue Fantasy: Relink Damage Caps Guide

If you’re trying to squeeze the most value out of your shiny new Ascension Weapon, Damage Cap is a must-know mechanic. Damage Cap is a Sigil that you can equip to your characters. Like other Sigils, this accessory grants buffs, in this case raising your damage limit. Like other Sigils, it comes in various tiers, ranked from Common to Legendary. The higher the tier, the better. Damage Cap allows attacks that would normally be cut off at your damage limit to instead reach more of their true potential. If your character can normally do a maximum of 1,000 damage, adding Damage Cap 4 (+30%) will allow you to exceed the normal limit, doing up to 1,300 damage instead. The following table shows the cap adjustment for each level of the Sigil:
Damage Cap 1 | +3% |
Damage Cap 2 | +9% |
Damage Cap 3 | +18% |
Damage Cap 4 | +30% |
Damage Cap 5 | +45% |
Because your DPS is limited in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, it’s often better to use Damage Cap Sigils to raise your limit than it is to simply stack attack-buffing Sigils. No matter how many attack buffs you apply, your damage cannot exceed the limit, after all. In addition to the Sigil form of Damage Cap, there are also Masteries that raise your damage limit. It takes experimentation to figure out the right balance of Damage Cap and other Sigils and abilities to strengthen your characters. Take some time to play with your Sigil arrangements and figure out what will work best for you.
Granblue Fantasy: Relink is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.