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In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, you must defeat The Lizard in one of many epic boss fights. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 boasts a generous share of kickass villains, but fighting some of them is more satisfying than others. Though the Lizard is an iconic villain, the man under the scales, Dr. Connors, has undergone a nice redemption arc. Unfortunately, we’ll still have to fight him to get him to swallow a cure through those big, pointy teeth.
Marvel’s Spider-man 2 Lizard Boss Fight: Phase 1

Defeating The Lizard in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 takes some time. Still, it’s not a tough battle as long as you know how to react to his every move. Here is a quick rundown of every move type the Lizard will use during this fight:
- Regular attacks, marked by a gray to red circle, can be parried or dodged, but we recommend dodging with circle in the Lizard Boss Fight.
- Heavy attacks, marked by a yellow to red fizzy circle, can only be parried with L1 or jumped away from with X.
- Crush attacks, marked by a light blue circle, can’t be parried or blocked. Whenever you see a light blue, grayish circle around Lizard’s mouth, dodge to safety with circle.
As soon as the first phase of Lizard’s Boss Fight starts, dodge his first crush attack and press L1 + R1 to stun him. Throughout the fight, you’ll spot pairs of panels to open with L1 + R1. If you happen to open them when Lizard is crawling by, he’ll get stunned.
Take advantage of this opening to deal damage and reduce his health bar to half.
Marvel’s Spider-man 2 Lizard Boss Fight: Phase 2

After an epic, Godzilla-style chase all over New York City, it’s time for Phase 2 to defeat the Lizard in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. While The Lizard’s moves are a bit of the same, he’ll use one new move constantly: crawling on the walls.
The Lizard will often jump to the walls of the battle arena and throw rocks at Spiderman. Dodge these using circle. However, you can use his move to your advantage in two ways: stun him by opening the panels with L1 + R1 or immobilize him by shooting webs at him. Once stunned or immobilized, you can zip to him using your webs and deal damage until he’s down.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is available on PlayStation 5.