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The journey through Pilgrim’s Perch is a dangerous one, as you’d expect from a Soulslike. The Ascent and Descent are complicated areas, and enemies pose a constant risk of knocking you off a cliff. During your journey through Mournstead, you’ll eventually face off against the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity. This bell-headed boss is a dangerous foe, especially at close range, and the battle is more complicated than it looks. You’ll need to defeat not only the boss himself but also a parasite and several of the boss’s minions. Taking him down is necessary to get through Pilgrim’s Perch and continue your progress to the next beacon. Here’s what you need to know about how to beat the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity in Lords of the Fallen.
Cleanse the Parasite

Most boss arenas in Lords of the Fallen are large and empty, but the Sacred Resonance’s domain is different. There’s a platform in the center holding a giant cage, and on one side of the room, a staircase leads up to a high ledge. Several of the boss’s minions await you inside the cage, standing guard over a parasite. Your first priority is to cleanse the parasite with your Umbral Lamp, because it will empower the boss until you do so. Bait the boss and his minions away from the cage by running around the platform, then enter it and destroy the parasite.
Destroy the Boss’s Minions
Once the parasite is gone, you’re clear to destroy the boss’s minions. Thankfully, there’s nothing particularly tanky to slow you down, just some weak spellcasters and worshippers. You don’t have to destroy them all, but the rest of this fight will be easier if they aren’t harassing you. Unlike Pieta, the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity is one of the slowest bosses in Lords of the Fallen, so you should have time to kill the caged minions before he reaches you. If he enters the cage while you’re still dealing with the mobs, escape using the broken section of the cage. Then, bait him out and resume killing the mobs again.
Avoid the Sacred Resonance’s Attacks

The Scared Resonance has a massive hammer and the strength to back it up. Letting him hit you is the last thing you want to do, especially if you choose the Condemned, a spellcaster, or another character with low health and light armor as your starting class. At close range, the boss performs heavy combo attacks. They’re typically easy to read and avoid, but the last hit of the combo can be tricky and catch you off guard. More deadly is his AoE attack, triggered by ringing the giant bell on his head. It unleashes a wave of golden energy, which deals big damage. Fortunately, you can roll through it to avoid taking damage.
Move to the Ledge
The key to easily beating the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity lies in the arena itself. Climb the stairs on the edge of the arena until you arrive at the ledge above. If you have potent spells or a ranged weapon you can safely bring the pain to the boss from up here, as it takes him a while to reach you. If you didn’t kill the mobs earlier, they may harass you on this ledge and push you out of position, leading to potentially fatal encounters with the boss. That’s one of the biggest reasons it’s best to deal with them earlier, if you can.
Bait the Sacred Resonance onto the Ledge

Despite his AoE bell attack, the Sacred Resonance is a melee brawler at heart. He wants to take the fight to you, and if you retreat, he’ll pursue. Tenacity is in his name for a reason, after all. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to take advantage of the boss’s AI and cheese him for an easy win. Unlike the empty arena in which you face Gentle Gaverus, there are different elevations here to take advantage of. Remain on the ledge long enough, and he’ll climb the stairs to reach you. Wait until he is almost on top of you, and then drop off the side of the ledge. You’ll take some minor damage, but it’s worth it.
Make the Boss Fall

The boss will attempt to follow you by walking off the ledge. Unlike you, however, he takes considerable fall damage. The fall also locks him in place for a moment. If you want to finish the battle as quickly as possible you can take advantage of both of these facts by landing an extra hit or two on him while he’s stunned from the drop. Stay on your toes, however, because he’s still dangerous in melee. It only takes one or two unlucky swings to spell the death of you.
Play It Safe
If you don’t care about the battle taking a little longer, you can forego follow-up melee attacks after his fall, keeping your distance instead. Unload on him with spells or your best throwables, if you want, or just return to the top of the ledge to repeat the process. Trick the Sacred Resonance into falling as many times as necessary, and at last this hulking boss will expire. It’s not exactly the most elegant or honorable conclusion, but Mournstead is an ugly place. Whatever leaves you the last one standing is acceptable.
Claim the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity’s Hammer

Unlike some other bosses in Lords of the Fallen, the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity won’t drop a Remembrance. Even so, beating this boss is still worthwhile. In addition to the Vigor you receive, he drops a Vestige Seed to make fast traveling a little easier as well as the Sacred Resonance Hammer. That weapon is one of the best Grand Hammers in the game and arguably the best reason to take on this boss, other than advancing the story. With the Sacred Resonance of Tenacity slain, you can at last continue your journey out of Pilgrim’s Perch.
Lords of the Fallen is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and