Star Wars Jedi Survivor has a metric ton of different collectibles and cosmetics. There is always something interesting to stumble upon when exploring as Cal Kestis. As you navigate the planet Koboh, you will eventually stumble upon some skittish digging robots. These are called scavenger droids, and they are worth perusing if you are an achievement hunter or completionist. Here is how to catch scavenger droids in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Catch Scavenger Droids in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

You will need to be fast on your feet in order to catch scavenger droids in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. These digging robots are extremely scared of you. The moment you approach one, they will panic and flee in a random direction. Furthermore, scavenger droids are immune to anything but physical attacks.
You have to sprint if you want to catch scavenger droids. Do not use force abilities on them, or they will instantly dig into the ground and disappear until you rest or return to the planet later. They will eventually stop before changing direction, giving you a good opening to hit them with a lightsaber.
Fast attacks are helpful in catching scavenger droids. The double-bladed lightsaber, in particular, works well as it has long reach and quick hits. You can also try throwing your lightsaber at them as they run, but only if you have good aim.
You want to catch these droids because they drop a Priorite Shard upon being defeated. Priorite Shards are the currency used to purchase cosmetics from Doma’s Outpost Commodities shop in Rambler’s Outpost. There is also a secret Splurgle achievement for collecting all of them and purchasing all rewards from Doma.
That’s all you need to know to catch scavenger droids in Jedi Survivor. Take your time and be patient when chasing them, and you will always emerge victorious.
Star Wars Jedi Survivor is available for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC.