When are the spirits in Spirittea not acting out? Luckily, the spirits behaving out of order is the perfect way to catch them. One has a knack for thievery since carrots in the garden are mysteriously missing. You can catch the Spirittea carrot garden thief, but it will take some work. Your character must bake, show up at a specific time, and lure the culprit. Only then will you solve the mystery of the carrot garden raider.
Miko’s Carrot Garden Thief Guide
(Updated on August 15, 2024 – updated links and format)

There’s no exact way to know when this quest will show up on the Community Board. All you can do is continue playing the game, clear out the Board, and level up your Spirituality at the bathhouse. Sure enough, you should receive the notice on the board from Miko. She’s upset about someone stealing from the vegetable garden that sits below the Convenience Store.
To start this Spirittea quest, find Miko and she’ll give the first clue about the carrot thief. Next, speak with Amelia for further information. Even Quill offers details about strange happenings. To put it simply, the puzzle is that the thief arrives at nighttime after 4 AM.
Discovering the Thief

To handle the carrot garden thief quest as fast as possible, make use of your Spirittea bed. Sleep until 3 AM and travel to the vegetable garden. You want to be there anywhere from 4 AM to around 4:30 AM and enter Spirit Vision. This is when you should discover the carrot thief in Spirittea wandering in. However, rushing up to them solves nothing since they will promptly flee.
Luring the Carrot Thief

Although Wonyan will give you a hint if you keep trying to catch them night after night, we can skip all of that. All you need to know is that you must cook a lure for the Spirittea carrot thief. As they like stealing carrots so much, the lure for this spirit is a Carrot Cake:
- Cooking Method: Bake
- Ingredients: Carrot | Cream Cheese | Plain Cake
- Plain Cake Recipe (Bake): Milk | Flour | Egg
With the Carrot Cake in hand or in the Backpack, return to the garden at the same time as before. I placed the Carrot Cake right above the garden. Hide so the carrot thief won’t see you. This should all happen again after 4 AM. It should be enough to lure the spirit so Wonyan can slap it.
After the usual talk, the spirit will remember herself. Turns out she’s Upo, a bunny-like spirit. One thing I enjoyed about this quest is that you have the choice to confront Wonyan about his violence toward the spirits.
Regardless of what you say or don’t say, you will save another lost spirit. Wrap up the dialogue with everyone involved (Miko, Amelia, and Quill). This will complete the quest, allowing you to help the townsfolk again and add yet another spirit to the bathhouse.
To summarize the carrot thief quest in Spirittea:
- Read the Community Board.
Learn about Miko’s vegetable garden thief notice and speak with her and Amelia.
- Go to the vegetable garden at night.
Be at the vegetable garden after 4 AM with your Spirit Vision activated to confront the spirit thief.
- Lure the spirit.
Return home and cook a Carrot Cake to lure the thief in Spirittea. You’ll set the Carrot Cake down around the garden and hide until the spirit approaches.
- Stop the spirit.
With the spirit stopped, confront them. After speaking to them, they will remember themselves.