The “Lost Armory” quest is the sidequest you need to clear to unlock guns in Dying Light 2. The mission is found in Central Loop, the second region you’ll reach if you’ve progressed far enough. It takes around 6 to 7 hours to reach this point, and normally, you can’t get guns before you complete this sidequest. Carrying firearms will immensely help you fight off Renegades and Infected all over Villedor, so clearing this mission should be a priority.
How to Start the “Lost Armory” Quest and Unlock Guns in Dying Light 2

The radio call to trigger the “Lost Armory” quest will only appear once you have finished the “Orders” story quest and reach Central Loop. However, the call sometimes won’t instantly appear; try sleeping twice into a new day or restarting the game if it doesn’t pop up.
How to Fix Dying Light 2 Lost Armory Crash or Error
If you have trouble progressing through or completing the questline, try changing your game mode to Single Player. It seems the quest’s progress can break or be interrupted when other players are attempting to join your game.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #1: Meet the Stranger at the Fish Eye

Now, after you have accepted the call, you need to head to the Fish Eye Canteen. The establishment is located east of Central Loop, just straight in the middle of the New Dawn Park. Follow the quest marker, enter the building, and meet an agent named Jai to start the questline properly.
Lost Armory Dying Light 2 Questline Objective #2: Acquire the GRE crate from the bandits

Jai will tell you about an interesting proposition regarding the GRE hoarding up guns. Obviously, you also need them, so there is nothing else to do but accept his offer. Continue the quest by heading to the Muddy Grounds and entering the Metro: King William Bridge Station. It’s marked on your map and located in the southern part of the region, you can’t miss it.
Follow the quest marker, and you’ll face four Renegades. Defeat them, and then go to the back of the room to find a GRE crate. Loot the box for the code which reads “Tackhead.” You also might want to power up the station to unlock the Safe Zone while you’re there.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #3: Talk to Jai
Jai will contact you through the walkie-talkie, revealing that you’ll need another code to access the gun stash.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #4: Recover another code from a GRE quarantine zone

Now, you need to go to the southernmost part of The Wharf, north of Muddy Grounds, for the other code. Track the quest marker until you enter a GRE quarantine zone. Go down three floors below the entrance and look for a door with blue ENTER lights. There will be a bunch of Volatiles inside, so either quickly dispatch or carefully sneak around them. Open the GRE box inside for the code.
How To Get Ammo in Dying Light 2Lost Armory Questline Objective #5: Return to Jai
Once that is over, go back to the Fish Eye Cantina and speak with Jai. He will advise you to stay away from Tackhead and redirect you to a contact named Delta.
Lost Armory Dying Light 2 Questline Objective #6: Talk to Delta

To find Delta, you have to travel to the Old Villedor from Central Loop first. The agent is in the southern part of the Trinity region, west of Larch Windmill. Follow the quest marker and enter the building through the window to meet her. However, Delta won’t hand over the code for free; you will need to run a few errands first.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #7: Survivor Mission “Priceless”

Delta will task you with collecting medicines and rare items through the “Priceless” Survivor Mission. To start the Mission, head down to The Bazaar area of Trinity, just north of Delta’s location.
On one hand, the Survivor Mission is really simple. All you have to do is follow quest markers and loot 12 boxes from three different locations for the items. Nevertheless, you will encounter tough Infected around the mission areas so you better prepare.
Since there’s a glitch that could hinder your Dying Light 2 “Lost Armory” progress in co-op, we recommend you tackle this mission solo for now. We’ll update this article and let you know once Techland has fixed this issue.
Lost Armory Dying Light 2 Questline Objective #8: Return to Delta
Head back to Delta and hand her over the items she asked for. She’ll bid you a friendly farewell and give you the GRE stash code. The job’s not done yet, though, because this time, Jai will tell you to meet someone named Gatsby.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #9: Talk to Gatsby

Gatsby can be found not far from the Relay Tower, in the northwestern part of the Downtown in Central Loop, at the Office Tower. Again, all you need to do is to keep following the quest marker and climb the building. But you can also find a rope to zip straight to the top on the northern side of the quest’s building.
Reach the top and open the white door to meet Gatsby. Alas, he has already sold the gun stash code to the Tackhead’s group. Better get it off their hands before it’s too late.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #10: Find the bandits

Now, run to the river northwestern part of The Wharf by following the quest marker. There should be a “Tackhead” graffiti written on a shack’s door by a small pier. Inspect it.
How To Dropkick in Dying Light 2Lost Armory Questline Objective #11: Defeat the bandits
Four bandits will show up, asking for a handout. Just shut their mouth forever with a few smacks to their heads.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #12: Defeat Gatsby
It turns out that Gatsby is also in on this ambush. Whether he really bought Tackhead’s promise or genuinely can’t say no to anyone, it doesn’t matter anymore. Make sure he can no longer refuse any offer from anyone, permanently.
Lost Armory Dying Light 2 Questline Objective #13: Find Jai

Aiden tries to contact Jai but instead speaks with Tackhead. The bandit head-honcho will tell he’s waiting somewhere in the center of Muddy Grounds.
Track the quest marker to the northern Muddy Grounds. After you’ve arrived, look for a bloodied hat below a yellow crane and a marked door just east of it. Tackhead will tell you to go back to the GRE quarantine zone in The Wharf to get the stash code’s encoder.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #13: Get the GRE decoder

Head back to the building and drop down to the third lower floor again. This time, you want to go through the door with red lights or through the hole in the wall with planks on it if you’re sneaking around. There’s a box on top of the shelf on the right side of the room; open it for the GRE stash decoder.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #13: Return the decoder to Tackhead
Head back to Tackhead’s location and give up the decoder to save Jai.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #14: Disarm the charges and rescue Jai

Surprise, surprise; Tackhead ends up tricking you and triggering the bombs where Jai is. Turn around and glide to the building across your location. Just follow the quest markers and disable all three bombs in less than 1 minute to save Jai. This section is pretty intense but nothing too hard.
Lost Armory Dying Light 2 Questline Objective #15: Catch up with Tackhead
Tackhead has escaped, but thankfully, Jai has planted a tracking beacon. Again, all you have to do is just go after the quest marker to the south by gliding towards it. You will arrive at a parking lot; just make sure to do it in 3 minutes or less.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #16: Defeat Tackhead and retrieve the decoder
Head inside, and Tackhead will be waiting for you along with four goons. It’s time for payback for all the underhanded tricks he pulled off. Defeat all of them and grab the decoder off their cold, dead hands.
Lost Armory Questline Objective #17: Search the parking lot

Once the cutscene’s over, take a right and go through the green door. From there, look to your left and crawl below the wall broken by a military truck. Turn to your right, and you should find the GRE’s so-called Lost Armory and finally complete the Dying Light 2 gun quest. Enter the armory, watch the cutscene, and you’ll wake up back at the Fish Eye Canteen.
Finishing this questline will unlock the Service Pistol and Jai as a gun vendor. Jai will need your help to spread the stash, so continue playing and flaunting your newly acquired gun at anything that crosses your path.
Dying Light 2 is available on PlayStation,