While in The Eye on Jemison within the Alpha Centauri system, once you’ve completed the quest titled Short-Sighted, you will be prompted to complete another one within the same line titled No Sudden Moves. This quest requires that you retrieve the Artifact to bring back to The Lodge, so we wrote out a guide on how to complete No Sudden Moves in Starfield.
Completing No Sudden Moves In Starfield

We wrote out each of the objectives necessary to complete No Sudden Moves as well as how to complete them:
- Talk to Vladimir
- You just need to follow the indicator to Vladimir in order to complete this.
- Travel to the Scow
- After meeting with and speaking to Vladimir, you will need to get onto the Scow in order to meet Captain Petrov.
- Board the Scow
- Once you find the Scow and hail it, you will have the option to either persuade your way to board the ship or disable its engines after attacking it to force your boarding.
- Find Captain Petrov
- After you get on the ship, you will need to find Captain Petrov. Follow the marker that appears on the ground when you open up your Hand Scanner to find and speak with him. You will have the choice to either let Barrett talk to him if he is with you or persuade him to lead you to the vault where the Artifact is located.
- Follow Petrov
- Once you have successfully persuaded Petrov in one way or another, he will lead you towards the vault where the Artifact is sealed away.
- Steal the Artifact
- At this point, with the Artifact yours for the taking, you will need to steal it and run off as fast as possible as everyone aboard the Scow will become hostile.
- You can also steal the Artifact by bribing Erin September, Raptor, and Bull in the Captain’s Quarters 1,000 credits so that they can reveal the location of a hidden wall that leads to the end of the vault. That way, you won’t need to follow Petrov in to acquire it. You’ll just need to cut the emergency cuttable wall that is in there in order to get through.
- Leave the Scow
- Leave the ship alive and return to The Lodge as soon as you can with the Artifact.
- Add the Artifact to the Collection
- Once in The Lodge, the Artifact will piece itself together with the other pieces.
No Sudden Moves Rewards
For completing No Sudden Moves, you will receive the following:
- 750 EXP
Where To Get Ytterbium in Starfield
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