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“Researchers Under Fire” is a world event that’s considered pretty tough and unforgiving to complete by the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight player base. All thanks to its strict 25-minute time limit, having too many objectives, and enemies that are too tough for a solo run. There are two “Researchers Under Fire” scenarios in Zaralek Cavern, at the Ruins of Drekazera in the Sulfur Wastes area. The Titan Lockdown and Zaqlai Ruin. This World of Warcraft: Dragonflight guide will tell you how to complete both “Researchers Under Fire” scenarios.
World of Warcraft Dragonflight: How To Complete Researchers Under Fire

Titan Lockdown Expedition Scenario
The scenario begins at Ruins of Drekazera at 47.60 56.76 coordinates and lasts for a maximum of 25 minutes. But a secondary timer will start at minute 7:30 once you’ve reached the Cleansing the Lockdown objective. When it runs out, the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight “Researchers Under Fire” Titan Lockdown scenario will skip ahead to A Titanic Counterattack.
- Starting With Trouble
- Defeat the Sundered Flame Patrols that can be found around the map.
- There are three Patrols: Northern Patrol, Southern Patrol, and Western Patrol.
- Cleansing the Lockdown
- Defeat the Titan Contamination Forces to the southwest to fill the progress bar to 100%.
- Lockdown Mess
- Destroy the two Large Boulders covering the console.
- Gather the Titan Parts in the shape of cylinders and gears. Bring all 40 of them to the console.
- Be prepared to fight off Acidhide Krolusks.
- Hostile Investigators
- Packs of wildlife, including Acidhide Krolusks and Deepstrider Alphas, will attack. Defeat them to fill the progress bar to 100%.
- Cave Cracking
- Go to the cave entrance at 44.9, 62.4 coordinates.
- Clear out the Fallen Boulders, and Earth Elementals will spawn. Defeat them.
- Broken Container
- The Contaminated Titan Watcher will appear from the cave and deal health-draining disease.
- Neutralizing the Contaminant
- Bring Ore Samples to the sulfur pool.
- Fight off the enemies while doing so.
- Affected Wildlife
- Contaminated wildlife will appear. Beat them in the sulfur pool to ensure their defeat as they are counted.
- A Violent Reaction
- An Elemental will spawn outside of the cave, just southwest of the sulfur pool.
- A Titanic Counterattack
- The Titan Containment Response Force will appear at 47.7, 63.8 coordinates. Defeat them to fill the progress bar to 100%.
- A Clear Sign We Are Not Wanted
- Defeat three waves of Sundered Flame Forces at the Ruins of Drekazera to fill the progress bar to 100%.
- One of the waves will spawn Lieutenant Narlena.
- Leaders to a Flame
- Captain Reykal will appear at 48.9, 58.1 coordinates. Defeat him.
- Getting Out
- Talk to Rannan to complete this expedition and obtain the reward.
Zaqlai Ruin Expedition Scenario

The scenario begins at Molten Overflow at 43, 55 coordinates in Zaralek Cavern and lasts for a maximum of 25 minutes. But a secondary 15-minute timer will start once you’ve reached the Riled Up objective. When it runs out, the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight “Researchers Under Fire” Titan Lockdown scenario will skip ahead to A Clear Sign We Are Not Wanted.
- Starting With Trouble
- Defeat the Sundered Flame Patrols that can be found around the map.
- There are three Patrols: Northern Patrol, Southern Patrol, and Western Patrol.
- Riled Up
- Defeat various wildlife to fill the progress bar to 100%.
- Cavern Crasher
- The Cavern Flyer Matriarch will appear at the center, at 47.6, 56,7 coordinates. Defeat her.
- Overtaken Monuments
- Defeat various wildlife at Molten Overflow to fill the progress bar to 100%.
- Towering Pillars
- Bring Djaradin Pillar Shards from the ground to the four Pillars: Northwest Pillar, Southwest Pillar, Northeast Pillar, and Southeast Pillar.
- You will need eight Shards for each Pillar. Once all Pillars are rebuilt, Elementals will appear.
- Powering up the Pillars
- Defend Thaelin by stomping on 50 Magmaclaw Snappers.
- Monstrous Magma Clacker
- Defeat Monstrous Magmaclaw Snapper.
- Altar Service
- Djaradin Deluge
- Defeat the Zaqali Djaradin.
- Heating Up
- A Clear Sign We Are Not Wanted
- Defeat three waves of Sundered Flame Forces at the Ruins of Drekazera to fill the progress bar to 100%.
- One of the waves will spawn Lieutenant Narlena.
- Leaders to a Flame
- Captain Reykal will appear at 48.9, 58.1 coordinates. Defeat him.
- Getting Out
- Talk to Rannan to complete this expedition and obtain the reward.
World of Warcraft Researchers Under Fire Rewards

- Completed 3-5 objectives:
- First clear of the week: Researcher’s Gift
- Repeated clear: Researcher’s Scrounged Goods
- Completed 6-8 objectives:
- First clear of the week: Appreciative Researcher’s Gift
- Repeated clear: Appreciative Researcher’s Scrounged Goods
- Completed 9-11 objectives:
- First clear of the week: Thankful Researcher’s Gift
- Repeated clear: Thankful Researcher’s Scrounged Goods
- Completed 12 objectives:
- First clear of the week: Indebted Researcher’s Gift
- Repeated clear: Indebted Researcher’s Scrounged Goods
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World of Warcraft Researchers Under Fire Achievement

Note: Achievements that task you with gathering/destroying/restoring a huge number of things don’t have to be unlocked in a single event run.
Titan Lockdown: World of Warcraft Researchers Under Fire Achievements
Achievement | Description |
A Research Sampler | Gather 100 Curious Ore Samples during the Researchers Under Fire: Titan Lockdown event. |
Contaminant Cleaner | Defeat the Animated Contaminant during the Researchers Under Fire: Titan Lockdown event. |
Lockdown Mystery | Defeat the Contaminated Titan Watcher during the Researchers Under Fire: Titan Lockdown event. |
Rockin Research | Destroy 100 boulders during the Researchers Under Fire: Titan Lockdown event. |
Zaqlai Ruin: World of Warcraft Researchers Under Fire Achievements
Achievement | Description |
A Djaradin Puzzle | Restore 50 Resilient Stones to the Zaqali altar during the Researchers Under Fire: Zaqali Ruin Investigation event. |
A Pillar of the Research Community | Restore 100 Djaradin Pillar Shards during the Researchers Under Fire: Zaqali Ruin Investigation event. |
Research Mishap | Defeat the Monstrous Magmaclaw Snapper during the Researchers Under Fire: Zaqali Ruin Investigation event. |
The Small Disruptions | Stomp on 200 Magmaclaw Snappers during the Researchers Under Fire: Zaqali Ruin Investigation event. |
Zaqali Ritual Buster | Defeat Ritualmaster Skarna and the Elder Magma Worm during the Researchers Under Fire: Zaqali Ruin Investigation event. |
Both Area
Achievement | Description |
Cooling the Research Field | Complete All Achievements during the Researchers Under Fire event located in Zaralek Cavern. Reward: Field Researcher Title |
Hot Research Zone | Kill 500 hostile creatures during either of the Researchers Under Fire events. |
Nothing Stops the Research | Defeat the Sundered Flame leader Captain Reykal during either of the Researchers Under Fire events. |
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