DMZ is the new mode that came with Warzone 2 where players complete a series of missions and then get extracted before they run out of time. As you level up and progress through the game, you will unlock more challenging and difficult missions that will also have better rewards. Failed Bombing Mission is one of them, and here is how to complete it in Warzone DMZ.
How to Complete the Failed Bombing Mission in Warzone DMZ
DMZ is filled with all sorts of missions you can complete. From a single-step drop package to a complete multi-step mission that you can choose to complete.
The Failed Bombing mission in DMZ is one of the more complex missions you can complete as part of the Tier 4 quest series. This is a Black Mous quest, and it has a series of steps you must complete.
Firstly you need to go to Ahkdar Village. There is a big statue in Ahkdar, and at the feet of the statue is a defused bomb you have to pick up in order to begin the mission.
Before you go to the next checkpoint, find some electrical components and a battery from looting the area. Once you’ve got those items, head to the Ahkdar Waterways dead drop.
Once you’ve got there, you have to put the bomb with electrical components and the battery you’ve found into the dead drop. Doing this will rearm the charge, which you need in order to complete the next step.
You’ve completed most steps by now, and it is time to go to the Al-Sharim Pass dead drop, which is located near G6 on the map. Once you’ve got there, drop the rearmed charge into the Al-Sharim Pass dead drop, and the Failed Bombing mission will be complete.
How to Complete Lachmann Weapons Testing Mission in DMZ
It is not a hard mission but rather a long one and confusing to do exactly what. After you’ve completed this quest, there are other missions you can complete so make sure to check them out too.
Warzone 2 DMZ is available for PC, PS4, PS5,