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Love it or hate it, Octopath Traveler 2 has some classic RPG systems that are quite grindy. One of those is leveling up. While you can get experience by fighting, some creatures give out more experience than others. As always, rare monsters will give you more points than regular ones. If you want to level up your characters as fast as possible, you’ll need to keep an eye out for Octopuffs. These creatures are great due to the experience points they give once you defeat them, which is fantastic if you want to strengthen your party. However, defeating them sounds a lot easier than it really is. Here we’ll tell you how to defeat Octopuffs in Octopath Traveler 2.
How to find Octopuffs in Octopath Traveler 2
Defeating Octopuffs is already hard but finding them can prove a lot harder. Since they are rare monsters you’ll need to look a lot for them until they show up. Thankfully, there is a Hunter ability that’ll let you find them easier. Here’s what you’ll need:
- Get someone with the Hunter job like Ochette
- Unlock and equip the Hunter-exclusive ability called: More Rare Monsters
Once you have the ability with you, all you have to do is explore the map to find one. You can also get the Octopuff Pot item which will increase the chance of these monsters showing up.

How to defeat Octopuffs in Octopath Traveler 2
If you’ve already found an Octopuff, it’s time to fight. Weapons will do almost no damage to them. These monsters have a high evade stat which will let them dodge almost all physical attacks. That leaves us with magic. Sadly, they also have a high elemental defense so, magic is a bit out of the way now. With all that in mind, here’s what you’ll need to defeat Octopuffs in Octopath Traveler 2:
- Equip a Soulstone(M) or Soulstone (L)
- Throw it to the Octopuff during the first turn
- Follow up with magic attacks to defeat it
While you could use magic right from the start, these creatures won’t take a lot of damage. Soulstones on the other hand do high damage and never miss which is great for these fights. So, if you want to defeat Octopuffs in Octopath Traveler 2, make sure to get many Soulstones before looking for them. Defeating these monsters will give you some hefty experience that you’ll need to increase your party’s strength.
Octopath Traveler 2 is available now on PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.