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In the Reaper MWZ mission, you have to find three Aether Harvester Orb locations and destroy them to complete this MW3 Zombies assignment. However, these orbs are randomly found in the MWZ map. And once you select the Reaper mission from Act II, they vanish to appear once in a blue moon. This is while you can spot them more easily by searching areas that have a higher chance of spawning them.
Where To Find Harvester Orb Locations in MWZ

There’s no particular location for finding many Harvester Orbs in one place in MWZ. However, there’s a high chance of finding these orbs in the areas marked on the map above.

I randomly found these orbs every match I played, but I could find more of them in the level 2 threat zone area. Now this might be because the deeper you go, the more rare items you find in MWZ. But it’s really not recommended to go to the level 3 threat zone to find a Harvester Orb location in MW3 Zombies.
How To Defeat The Aether Orbs in MW3 Zombies

To take down these orbs, you need to fire accurate shots at them. Each time you shoot this floating thing it’ll reposition quickly to a random spot. Now one thing that I see most players do is that they open fire on the orb, leaving their weapon’s mag empty. In fact, you can put your weapon on semi-auto mode and patiently shoot the Harvester Orb to defeat it in MWZ.
After you defeat three of these Aether orbs, you complete the Reaper MWZ mission. Each orb drops packs of the essence for you, and after destroying them you’ll find an ammo mod, or an Aether Tool to upgrade your weapon’s rarity. But remember, if you don’t chase the Harvester Orb and shoot it down in time, it’ll disappear!