Vendors in Stardew Valley can greatly help you by selling different items you may need. Marcello is the nomad vendor who sells books in this cozy farming game that you can visit and purchase various Skill Books. Here we’ll explain how you can find the Bookseller in Stardew Valley.
Where to Find the Bookseller in Stardew Valley

Marcello, the Bookseller, in Stardew Valley, will help you tremendously by providing different skills and upgrades for your character. Marcello is a nomad, meaning he only appears on certain days. Check the community calendar to see which days he is available. In my case, it was the 11th day, so I had to wait until then to find Marcello.

You can find Marcello at his bookstore named Marcello’s Books. The bookstore is located just above the Joja Mart. Here is a step-by-step guide to find Marcello if you need further assistance:
- Go to Pierre’s General Store and from there head eastward.
- Cross the river using the bridge.
- Before reaching the Jojo Mart, head up, then right, and lastly use the stairs
You will Marcello’s Bookstore there. If you didn’t see him, double-check the calendar to see whether he will be in town that day. Before visiting the bookstore, make sure you have enough coins. The Skill Books Marcello sells are pretty expensive.
That’s how to find the Bookseller in Stardew Valley. The 1.6 update of the game has added a bunch of new stuff, so make sure to check our website for more guides.
Stardew Valley is available for PC, PS4, PS5,