Without spoiling, part of the endgame of Granblue Fantasy: Relink is finishing the jobs Rolan started to help the new Mr. Fix It. Initially, this might seem a bit confusing for many, especially since there are times when the mission counter doesn’t progress, which can create confusion. However, you’ll quickly notice that the more quests you do, the more you discover about this new character in the Granblue Fantasy universe, and what’s best is that it serves as a great introduction to the long and elaborate endgame content of this entry.
Rolan Jobs in Granble Fantasy: Relink – Explained

Before we delve into this a bit more, we need to put a small disclaimer because this contains post-game scenario spoilers. So, if you haven’t finished the game, we recommend holding off a bit before checking what the Rolan Jobs are all about in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. With that out of the way, though, let’s begin.
Once you unlock the Skybound Heart chapter, which is the post-game scenario, and unlock Id, he’ll want to become the new Mr. Fix It. To do that, the Captain and the crew suggest taking on the jobs that Rolan left unfinished. This will mark certain quests with an orange icon with two swords, indicating the ones you must tackle to finish the chapter.
How To Progress Through Rolan’s Jobs

If you’ve already taken a few quests, you might’ve noticed that the counter stays the same. Essentially, you need to finish eight jobs, but there are more than eight quests, so how does it work? Well, it works like this:
- Head to the quest counter.
- Select any quest with an orange icon next to it.
- Keep doing quests until you get a page from Rolan’s journal.
- Journal Pages are the ones that progress the counter and the post-game scenario.
Since you need to collect journal pages to finish the epilogue, you’ll be taking on several quests with different difficulties. However, there is a silver lining. These quests slowly introduce you to endgame missions. Most begin in Hard difficulty and culminate in some of the final challenges of the game. Yes, it’ll take a while, but it is a good way to encourage players to build their characters and try some of the elaborate boss fights for this entry.
One thing we recommend doing before you finish the jobs Rolan started in Granblue Fantasy: Relink is sticking with one character. Yes, you can build several at the same time, but the power level for quests constantly increases, so it is better to pick your main character early during the chapter to use your Mastery Points and materials wisely.