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The Maister skills for the Sorcerer vocation in Dragons Dogma 2 allow both the Arisen and their pawns to become the personification of both a natural and a cosmic disaster by summoning a tornado capable of sending your foes to Oz and literally dropping a meteor on them. True to that, it’s no surprise that, given their destructive powers, the skills are some of the trickiest to get in the game. Here’s how to get both the Meteoron and Maelstrom Sorcerer Maister skills in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
How to Get the Maelstrom and Meteoron Sorcerer Maister Skills on Dragon’s Dogma 2
You can get the implement for the Meteoron Sorcerer Maister Skill in Dragon’s Dogma 2 by completing the Spellbound quest. The Maelstrom Maister Skill, on the other hand, can be acquired by completing The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
While The Sorcerer’s Apprentice can be triggered by talking to Myrddin at his home in Checkpoint Rest Town —be advised, as he will only interact with you at first if you wear formal wear— Spellbound can be triggered by talking to Trysha at Eini’s Home at any time when she is alone at the house. You can trigger the quest fast by simply carrying whoever is at the house with her, dropping them outside, and then talking to her. You can check out the location of both areas in the images below:
How To Unlock the Trickster, Magick Archer, and Warfarer Vocations Early in Dragon’s Dogma 2

While Spellbound will task you with finding and then delivering five rare grimoires —titled Let There Be Light, Fulminous Shield, Nation’s Death Knell, Howling Blizzard, and Towering Earth— to Trysha, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice will task you with delivering the same items to Myrddin. But does that mean you can only complete one of the quests per playthrough? Well, not exactly. You can check out the locations of all grimoires, as well as how to complete both quests and get both Maelstrom and Meteoron in a single Dragon’s Dogma 2 playthrough below.
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Let There Be Light Location
You can find the Let There Be Light grimoire on the second floor of Myrddin’s Home. Once there, you will be able to find the book above a table located by the side of a large candelabrum, as you can see below.

Fulminous Shield Location
You can get the Fulminous Shield tome in Dragon’s Dogma 2 by purchasing it from a traveling merchant called Dudley for 5,000G. Dudley can be found on Melve at first but will move from there during Home Is Where the Heart Is. After completing the quest, I was able to find him in the spot marked on the map below, located on the road leading to the Battahl gate in Checkpoint Rest Town.

Towering Earth Location
After getting Fulminous Shield, you get the Towering Earth tome by visiting the former Magistrate Waldhar at the Gracious Hand Vaults after completing The Caged Magistrate. Once inside the Vault, simply talk to Waldhar and he will mention the toma and promptly give it to you.

Nation’s Death Knell and Howling Blizzard Location
Remember Waterfall Cave —the cave that was blocked by the fallen Griffin at the beginning of the game— you will be able to get both Nation’s Death Knell and Howling Blizzard on Dragon’s Dogma 2 by going there and then reaching a treasure chest located in its second floor. But be advised, as a Linch will appear at the moment you take the tomes. You can check out the location of the cave in the image below.

When facing the Linch, make sure not to let the enemy drop into the shallow puddle located below it, as the area will feature a high-level Chimera, and believe me, you don’t want to face both of them at the same time. You can get your hands on another copy of Nation’s Death Knell after completing the Tolled to Rest quest at the Ancient Battleground.
How to Complete Both The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Spellbound in A Single Playthrough in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Although the two quests require the same items, you can complete both of them in a single playthrough by heading to Ibrahim’s Scrap Store at Checkpoint Rest Town and then asking him for forgeries of all five grimoires. Once the forgeries are ready, give them to Myrddin and the real grimoires to Trysha. You can check out the location of the Scrap Store in the image below.

Although you will complete The Sorcerer’s Apprentice after delivering the tomes to Myrddin and then talking to him, you will be able to complete Spellbound by first giving the tomes to Trysha and then returning to Eini’s Home the next morning.
Once you arrive, you will spot Trysha losing control of her magick. To complete the quest with the best result, ask your pawns to stay back and simply let Trysha wear herself out before getting close to her and immobilizing her by pressing R2/RT. Now, simply rest at a camp and then return to the cabin before talking to Trysha twice to get the Meteoron Maister Skill and complete the quest. While you are at it, don’t forget to also talk to Eini to receive the Celestial Paean Mage Maister Skill.
You can play Dragon’s Dogma 2 on PlayStation 5,