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Experienced Scarlet and Violet players have long filled their collections with high-level Pokemon, but The Teal Mask DLC exists to reignite the fading interest in hunting. After all, with the new Kitakami region, players have over a hundred new pocket monsters they can catch as they explore new locations. One of these Pokemon is Charjabug, a little battery pocket monster Bug and Electric-types. But if you can find Charjabug in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask, you should know how to evolve it, and here we will tell you how to do it.
Where To Catch Charjabug in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask DLC

To find and catch Charjabug in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask DLC, you must go to the Kitakami region and search the northeastern and western locations. The image above will help you find the habitat of this Pokemon. But first of all, you should visit the rocky area in northeast Kitakami. If you’re unlucky enough to find a Charjabug, you can catch Grubbin, the Pokemon’s previous form, and evolve it. Fortunately, it live in the same locations.
Despite being the second evolutionary form, Charjabug is weak, so using Quick Ball at the beginning of the battle almost guarantees a successful capture. But if you’re unlucky or don’t want to waste such a valuable Pokeball, you must challenge this pocket monster and win. As a Bug and Electric-type Pokemon, Charjabug is weak against Fire and Rock-type attacks. On the other hand, we advise not to use Pokemon with Grass, Electric, Fighting, and Steel-type attacks in battle since Charjabug is resistant to them.
Evolving Charjabug into Vikavolt

First, it’s worth noting that if you catch Grubbin, you must increase its level to 20 to evolve into Charjabug. However, no matter how you get Charjabug, further leveling will not help you get the new evolutionary form of this Pokemon. After all, to evolve Charjabug into Vikavolt, you must use Thunder Stone. Of course, you can find several of these items for free in the Paldea region. Or you can purchase it in Delibird Presents for 3,000 Pokedollars. But on the other hand, the level of your Charjabug doesn’t matter.
Finally, let’s add that if you want to get the best Vikavolt after evolution, you should find a Charjabug with the best Nature. We recommend finding a Pokemon with Modest and Timid Natures and only then evolving it.
How To Get (& Evolve) Phantump in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Mask Teal is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.