Crafting and upgrading gear always requires specific materials in Granblue Fantasy: Relink. But if you want to score higher weapon levels and gain access to a weapon’s awakening upgrade, there’s a specific material you need that’s hard to come by: Fortified Hearth. It’s not just some material you can loot around the world. So, if you want to tackle those high-quality weapons in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, you must learn the best ways to get Fortified Hearth.
Fortified Hearth Loot in Granblue Fantasy Relink

There’s no denying you’ll face down tougher enemies as you progress. That’s why you always need to go into battle with the strongest gear possible. It helps to access higher-rated weapons, and some are geared toward specific characters like Cagliostro. As you aren’t just handed these weapons, you need to work to upgrade what you have.
And if you want to loot Fortified Hearth for your weapons, prepare to do some Granblue Fantasy: Relink grinding. To get the material, you must complete “The Saga Continues: Earth” quest on Manic mode. There is no other way for Fortified Hearth to drop as loot. And as this can be a tough battle, bring some of the toughest characters you have.
The concern with this is that in Granblue Fantasy: Relink, Fortified Hearth is never a guaranteed drop. Randomization is what causes you to grind for the material. But since it helps you empower certain weapons, the benefits outweigh the tediousness that can come from fighting the same boss over and over.
There is one additional way you can get Fortified Hearth. However, there’s still some grinding involved. You can visit Siero’s Knickknack Shack and trade five Gold Dalia Badges for a single Fortified Hearth. Again, there’s grinding, but instead of that one boss battle, you’ll work to earn the Badges. Either way, unless you’re lucky, prepare to set aside some time to work toward the material.
Granblue Fantasy: Relink is available on PC and PlayStation.