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One of the best features of 2017’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, besides the huge open-world exploration, is the ability for you, the player, to obtain all sorts of cool armor sets and dress up Link, either to suit a particular playstyle, buff certain stats, or even just to look cool. From the Zora Armor to the stealthy Sheikah Set, Breath of the Wild is chock full of unique armor sets for you to find and equip.
If you’re the kind of player that isn’t quite satisfied with the obvious armor sets, however, then you’ll want to discover the Gerudo Secret Club, a hidden shop in the southwest corner of Hyrule that stocks unique armors that you’re mostly only able to find in this one shop. However, as the name suggests, the Gerudo Secret Club is a secret, meaning that getting into this shop isn’t as easy as walking through the front door. It’s going to take a bit more work than that, but fear not – we’ve got you covered.
Finding the Gerudo Secret Club in Breath of the Wild
In order to find the Gerudo Secret Club, you’re going to have to get into Gerudo Town first. Located in the Gerudo Desert in southwestern Hyrule, Gerudo Town is possibly one of the hardest locations to reach throughout the game and a little tricky to get into even after you’ve discovered it on your map. If you’re just getting in for the first time, you’ll have to unlock the Daqo Chisay shrine near the town entrance and complete the “Forbidden City Entry” quest to get past the town guards – if you come back to the town after that, you’ll be able to fast travel to the shrine but don’t forget to wear your vai disguise to get back into the town inside.

Once inside Gerudo Town, you’ll be able to find a clothing shop called Fashion Passion on your left as soon as you enter the town. Head into the alleyway next to the shop and find a somewhat oddly-placed door. Interacting with this mysterious door will result in the person inside prompting you for a password. At this point, if you try to input the password and fail, you’ll have to wait a full in-game day before going back and trying again, so instead of doing that, it’s time to get your hands on that password.
Obtaining the Gerudo Secret Club Password
Leaving the alleyway, head to the northern corner of Gerudo Town, where you’ll find the Noble Canteen, the town’s bar. Inside the building, you’ll find some Gerudo discussing the Gerudo Secret Club, but if they see you lurking nearby or you try to interact with them, they’ll clam up, stopping the conversation until you leave the area.
Fortunately, there’s a pretty easy way around this – from the room where the women are sitting, jump out the window to your left. Now turn right, and there will be another set of stairs leading back into the building – go up the stairs, inside the building, and turn right. There’ll be a wall below a window that leads into the room you were in earlier, and if you go up to the wall and listen, you’ll be able to hear the Gerudo finally disclose the password to the Gerudo Secret Club – it’s GSC♦.

With this password, you’re now free to go back to the mysterious door from earlier, input the password when asked, and bam – you’re in! Inside the Gerudo Secret Club, you’ll find two unique armors available for purchase: the Desert Voe set, which costs 2,400 rupees to complete and gives Link one level of heat resistance for each item you equip, and the Radiant Armor set, which costs 2,400 rupees and nine (9) Luminous Stone and draws skeletal enemies to Link. When upgraded at a Great Fairy Fountain, the Desert Voe set will award you shock resistance, while the Radiant Armor set will allow Link to inflict extra damage on skeletal enemies like Stalkoblins or Stalizalfos.
Congratulations, you’ve just gotten your hands on some of the most unique armors in all of Breath of the Wild! If you found this guide helpful, be sure to leave a comment below!