Roblox is at its best when you’re playing goofy games like Slap Battles, especially with a couple of buddies. No one gets hurt, it’s full of really funny memes, and it’s just stupid fun. I love it! There are so many types of gloves you can wield, from a magnetic glove to a freeze glove. You can even get one that slaps your opponent’s head clean off. In Roblox Slap Battles it’s called the Knockoff Glove, and getting it isn’t done through normal means.
Roblox: How to Unlock the Knockoff Glove in Slap Battles
Unlike the dozens and dozens of other gloves in Slap Battles, the Knockoff Glove can’t be bought with in-game currency. Instead, it’s part of the pantheon of gloves that are only unlocked by earning badges. In this case, the Knockoff Glove is unlocked after you’ve earned the Code Breaker Badge.

Unfortunately, to get that, you need to either have the Pocket Glove, which costs 26,000 Slaps or find someone who has it (like I did). I only had to hop a few servers before I found someone, so it wasn’t too difficult. Ask politely!
Either way, the one wielding the Pocket Glove has to use its ability and drop it on the ground. You can then get close to the glove and interact with it. In doing so, you’ll be whisked away to a pocket dimension (pun intended).

Scan the room for a framed picture of a cat next to an armoire, which can be moved to reveal a keypad. Punch in the code 4553293 and press the green button. Afterwards, you’ll earn the Code Breaker Badge in Slap Battles, and with that comes the Knockoff Glove.
The fun part about the Knockoff Glove is its effect. It doesn’t just slap someone’s head off; it locks their camera to their head. The victim can still move their body, but it’ll be really hard to do if, say, their vision is obscured by the ground.