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Let’s step away from Blox Fruits accessories that are powerful and instead focus on ones that offer utility, such as the Leviathan Crown. Truthfully, it’s one of the earliest endgame accessories you should craft, due to just how useful it is for crafting in general. With the Leviathan Crown, there’s a good chance you’ll get bonus materials in Roblox Blox Fruits, which is great considering some items have horrendous drop chances. It actually makes farming in Roblox a lot more bearable!
[Updated August 27, 2024 – Rewrote guide, additional info, and screenshots for context.]
To get the Leviathan Crown in Blox Fruits, you’ll have to craft it, which involves farming three specific materials:
- x10 Leviathan Scales
- x5 Electric Wings
- x1 Dark Fragment
You’ll then take those materials to Beast Hunter, the NPC on Tiki Outpost Island. You’ll actually find him just by the dock, on the right. There’s a building by the dock with moss growing up the building. That’s where Beast Hunter is!

The Leviathan Crown itself is an expensive piece to craft, there’s no doubt about that, but it’s worth the investment. You not only gain a damage boost during Sea Events, the odds crafting materials drop is notably higher:
- +35% any damage to Sea Events
- +25% Health Regeneration
- +12% damage on melee attacks
- 1 Extra Instinct dodge
- +40% drop chance of materials from Sea Events
As for the last bonus, it doesn’t work as it might seem. Leviathan Crown increases the current drop chance by 40% rather than being added to it. In other words, if the drop chance is 10%, then with the Crown it will become 14%.
Where to Get Leviathan Scales in Blox Fruits

Leviathan Scales only have one known source and it’s from the Leviathan raid boss itself. And you need 10 Leviathan Scales to craft the Leviathan Crown, which is admittedly a lot. The good news is Leviathan drops 3 to 5 scales per segment, of which there are four. Even at the lowest amount, and assuming they drop, you could potentially get all the scales you need in one go.
To summon Leviathan in Blox Fruits, you need four other players willing to sail into the Frozen Dimension in Sea Danger Level 6. That’s it! No God’s Chalice or any other rare quest item—you just need to reach the Frozen Dimension and speak with Frozen Watcher.
Where to Get Electric Wings in Blox Fruits

The Electric Wings will also be rather difficult to farm, at least on your own, so I recommend bringing friends. You’re on the hunt for Piranhas and those creatures are particularly annoying, due to their stun. Piranhas spawn in Sea Danger Level 1 through 6, which means you could farm them on your way to Leviathan.
Where to Get Dark Fragments in Blox Fruits

Out of three materials you need to craft the Leviathan Crown in Blox Fruits, Dark Fragments are by far the easiest. You only need one and you get it off a Second Sea raid boss, so you’ll be over-leveled. Your target is the terrible Darkbeard!
To summon Darkbeard, you’re going to need a Fist of Darkness, which means farming Sea Beasts. There’s an altar on Dark Arena Island, where you’ll offer the Fist of Darkness. If you’re lucky, Darkbeard will drop the one and only Dark Fragment you need.