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In Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Octorok creatures drop Octorok Eyeballs, Octo Balloons, and Octorok Tentacles. Each of these Monster Parts has its own unique features. Octorok Eyeballs, the topic of this guide, currently have two different uses. You can attach this Monster Part to the tip of your arrow to make an arrow that follows the enemy. And you can use Octorok Eyeballs in Elixir recipes. Here is where to find Octorok Eyeballs in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Where To Find Octorok Eyeballs in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Octorok Eyeballs can be found in 9 different locations such as Hyrule Ridge, Deep Akkala, Death Mountain, Eldin Canyon, Gerudo Highlands, Hebra Mountains, Farron Grassland, West Necluda, and Rutala Dam. There are 5 different types of Octorok in the game, and you can get Octorok Eyeball, Octorok Tentacle, and Octo Balloon from all of them. These are Forest Octorok, Rock Octorok, Water Octorok, Snow Octorok, and Treasure Octorok.
As mentioned before, one of the uses of this item is to make your arrow follow the target, and the other is to make Elixirs with this item. In Zelda Breath of the Wild, you could upgrade Snow Boots from Great Fairies with Octorok Eyeballs. However, we don’t know if this is still the case in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
All Octorok Eyeballs Uses & Recipes
Elixir | Buff | Ingredients |
Fireproof Elixir | Temporary Fire Resistance |
Electro Elixir | Temporary Electricity Resistance |
Hasty Elixir | Temporary Increases Link’s Speed |
Hearty Elixir |
Mighty Elixir | Temporarily Increases Attack Power |
Tough Elixir | Temporarily Increases Defence |
Energizing Elixir | Restores Stamina Wheel |
Enduring Elixir |
Spicy Elixir | Temporary Cold Resistance |
Chilly Elixir | Temporary Heat Resistance |
Sneaky Elixir | Temporary Increased Stealth |
Elixirs play a huge role in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, and they help you in many parts of the game. So you should not skip these Elixirs and know how to craft them when needed.
That wraps up where to find Octorok Eyeballs. For more useful tips and guides on the game, keep it locked to The Nerd Stash.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is available on Nintendo Switch.