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Having a powerful weapon is good, but having a legendary weapon is even better, and we can help you with that. This guide will show you how to get the Blood of Lathander in BG3. Blood of Lathander is a powerful mace that will come in handy for destroying enemies. It’s not easy to get it, and you’ll have to overcome more than 1 puzzle on your way. Don’t worry, we have prepared all the necessary information on how to do it quickly.
How To Obtain the Blood of Lathander in Baldur’s Gate 3

The place where Blood of Lathander is hidden is Rosymorn Monastery, which is located above Githyanki Creche in BG3. As soon as you enter and start exploring the area, you will come across the first puzzle in which you need to find and bring the ceremonial weapon to the pedestals. It’s not easy to do, because you’ll need to thoroughly explore the monastery to find all 4 weapons. Here is information on where you can find each of them:
Weapon | Location | What you need to do |
Ceremonial Battleaxe (southwest pedestal) | Small room to the southeast with the Guardian of the Faith(X:105, Y:45) | Get ready to fight the Guardian as soon as you pick up the battleaxe |
Ceremonial Warhammer (northeast pedestal) | On the roof of the monastery in the Giant Eagle nest (X:81, Y:40) | Prepare to negotiate with the eagles or engage in a fight with them to get a weapon |
Ceremonial Longsword (northwest pedestal) | Already on the pedestal | Nothing |
Ceremonial Mace (southeast pedestal) | In the room with Kobolds | Kill all Kobolds, 1 of them must have the right weapon |
When you complete this simple puzzle, it will open a pouch from which you can get the Dawnmaster’s Crest, which you will need in the future.
Explore the Inquisitor’s Room in BG3

Now let’s take a look at the next step of obtaining the Blood of Lathander in Baldur’s Gate 3. When you complete the first puzzle, you’ll need to head to the Githyanki stronghold below the monastery where you’ll find the Inquisitor’s room. Before you get there, you need to get the Gith Shard. Here are the steps you need to follow to do so:
- Kill or deceive the Githyanki guards to enter the stronghold.
- Go through the main door and head east, then cross the waypoint and head down the hallway to the captain’s quarters.
- Make your way to the captain’s quarters and steal the Gith Shard. You can use pickpocketing skills, or just kill all the enemies to get it.
- Now, place the Gith Shard in the panel to disable the barrier that is getting in your way.
When you finally get to the Inquisitor’s room, you’ll notice 2 statues on the left, and this is the next simple puzzle you’ll need to solve. It’s actually very easy:
- Move the statue to the left so that it faces west of the map.
- Move the statue to the right so that it faces east of the map
You may have a problem that 1 of the statues may not turn properly, so you will need to make a passive strength check, or hit it with a blunt weapon. When you’re done with the statues, you’ll see a path leading to Daybreak Gate. Congratulations, now you are one step closer to getting the legendary mace Blood of Lathander in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Getting Blood of Lathander in Daybreak Chamber in BG3

In the next location, you’ll find several rooms filled with traps and 3 barriers that need to be turned off by destroying the energy crystals responsible for them. We recommend that you prepare thoroughly and stock up on booby trap kits to avoid falling for them. Here is the location of all the crystals you need to destroy to move on:
- First crystal: located immediately to the left of the entrance to the Daybreak Chamber and hanging on the wall. Coordinates: X:1139, Y:-781.
- Second crystal: located on the left in a small cave immediately after exiting the door that opened after the first crystal was destroyed. Coordinates: X:1120, Y: -796.
- Third crystal: located on the cliff to the right of the blocked door. To get through to it, you’ll need to disarm a trap that emits light rays. Coordinates: X: 1116, Y: -771.
When you’re done with the crystals, you’ll eventually be able to enter the room that contains the legendary mace, namely Blood of Lathander in Baldur’s Gate 3. But it’s not that simple, if you try to just take the weapon, nothing good will happen, so this is where you need the Dawnmaster’s Crest, which you got after the first puzzle. Interact with the control panel under the Blood of Lathander to insert this mace there, and then you’ll be able to pick up the weapon without any problems.
How To Solve the Riddle of the Night in Baldur’s Gate 3
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on PC, PS5, and