So far, Aspects like the Splintering Aspect from the Guulrahn Slums in Diablo 4 are essential to any build. They determine the specific traits of any piece of gear or weapon. However, not just any Aspect will work in any given build. You have to find particular Aspects that give traits that will benefit your playstyle and class. The Aspect we will discuss today is the Splintering Aspect, a Legendary Aspect that Necromancers primarily use. Splintering Aspect increases the abilities of the Bone Spear skill. Keep reading to learn more about how to get the Splintering Aspect in Diablo 4.
Getting the Splintering Aspect in Diablo 4
Like almost all Aspects in Diablo 4, you can get the Splintering Aspect by extracting it from a legendary item or completing a dungeon that offers it as a reward in the Codex of Power. For this specific Aspect, you must complete the Guulrahn Slums dungeon. Completing the dungeon will unlock the Splintering Aspect in your Codex of Power. Unlocking any Aspect in the Codex of Power will make it available at any Occultist, but at a price.
Whenever you use an Aspect from the Codex of Power to imprint a weapon, you will get the lowest possible value for that particular Aspect. That means extracting the Splintering Aspect from a legendary weapon you find can be much more beneficial.
You can find the Guulrahn Slums dungeon directly to the West of the Hidden Overlook Waypoint. You can find it in the Jakha Basin area of Dry Steppes.
The Splintering Aspect in Diablo 4 is perfect for Necromancers. To begin with, the Splintering Aspect targets and improves the Bone Spear Necromancer skill. The description reads: “Bone Spear’s primary attack makes enemies hit beyond the first Vulnerable for X seconds. Bone Sharks from Bone Spear deal 50-100 percent bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies and pierce them.”
Using the Splintering Aspect with an amulet will increase its power by 50%. The power increase makes the Splintering Aspect an amazing one for Necromancers. When used with a Bone Spear build, it pushes your Vulnerable damage through the roof.
This is everything you need to know to get the Splintering Aspect in Diablo 4. Thanks for reading, and have a fantastic day!
Diablo 4 is now available on PC,