Once you have caught a male and female Magical Beast of the same species in Hogwarts Legacy, you have them make a baby using a Breeding Pen within one of your Vivariums. You can have two Beasts breed a baby Beast like you combine ingredients at a Potions Station to brew a concoction. Like many of your workstations in the Room of Requirement, the results are not immediate but can take up to half an hour for the breeding process to complete. Once the wait is over, you can visit the Breeding Pen in your Vivarium to welcome a brand-new baby Beast to your pet family in Hogwarts Legacy.
Unlocking & Using the Breeding Pen in Hogwarts Legacy

First, to unlock the Breeding Pen in Hogwarts Legacy, you must complete the Side Quest, “Foal of the Dead.” This quest involves catching a male and female Thestral from their Beast Den in the East North Ford Bog. Once you have the couple in your nab-sack, purchase the Breeding Pen Spellcraft from Tomes and Scrolls before returning to Deek.
Keep in mind that the “Foal of the Dead” quest is not available by default during your playthrough. To access this quest, you must clear Charles Rookwood’s Trial and complete “The Plight of the House-Elf” with Deek. Once these two have been fulfilled, you can speak with Deek in the Room of Requirement, where he will request that you rescue Thestral from the northern part of the map.
Next, buy the Breeding Pen Spellcraft in Hogsmeade of Hogwarts Legacy and return to Deek to receive a new Vivarium for your Room. Go inside the new area and place your Breeding Pen where you like. Interact with the small sign at the front of the pen and select a male and female Thestral. You can leave your game AFK or complete several more quests before returning to see the new foal. Once this quest is over, you can breed as many Beasts as you wish, as long as you have space in the Vivarium and the male and female species are identical.
Hogwarts Legacy is available on PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4,