As always, new updates continue to come to Rust every month. This time, Rust added an attack helicopter that you can use. Yes, you heard it right, an Attack Helicopter! This helicopter is similar to the Patrol Helicopter, but of course, it is not as destructive and powerful. You can buy the Rust Attack Helicopter from the Airwolf Vendor in Bandit Camp. The current price is 2250 Scrap. Attack Helicopter is currently in the Rust Staging Branch, so it has not yet been added to the main game. The things we will talk about in this article will be entirely about the staging branch. Without making you wait any longer, let’s take a look at this helicopter that you can raid and equip with weapons.
How to Control Rust Attack Helicopter

It is worth mentioning again that these things we will talk about are based on the Attack Helicopter as it is in the current Staging Branch. There may be some features removed, changed, or added when it was added to the game. Rust Attack Helicopter is a 2-man vehicle just like Minicopter.
It is bigger than a Minicopter but smaller than a Transport Helicopter. You can add as many Rockets to the torpedo of this helicopter as a Wood Storage Box. This can be a High-Velocity Rocket or a normal Rocket.
Another feature allows you to put any weapon you want underneath the Rust Attack Helicopter and shoot with that weapon. You can add 6 slots of ammo to whatever you have attached, just like with Auto Turrets. Of course, you’ll need a co-pilot to operate the helicopter’s rocket launcher and turret. As mentioned before, this is a two-man vehicle — one person has to drive the helicopter while the other shoots. You can’t do both alone.
Attack Helicopter Controls
When we come to the control of the helicopter, just like in other helicopters, hold the “W” key to get up in the air, and when you move your mouse forward, you will start moving forward. But you have to move your mouse very slowly.
Then, you can direct the Rust Attack Helicopter using the “A” and “D” keys. If you have never driven a helicopter in Rust before, it would be much better to learn how to drive a helicopter on a Creative Server first because there is a very high probability that you will crash your first time.