The master of mystic arts, aka Doctor Strange, is a famous character in the Marvel Universe. And more importantly, he is in the same neighborhood as Spider-Man! These two characters have many adventures and stories like Doctor Strange #179, labeled as The Wondrous World of Doctor Strange. In fact, this issue of Strange and Spider-Man’s comic has relevant story references to what we see in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The Wand of Watoomb is missing, and Doctor Strange and Wong are in Spider-Man 2 now!
Doctor Strange and Wong’s “Cameo” in Spider-Man 2

Ever since the release of Marvel Spider-Man in 2017, we knew about many things going on in this iteration of Marvel’s New York City. We found the Avengers Tower and even Matt Morduk’s office in that game. However, one other thing that many fans searched to find on this game’s map was Sanctum Sanctorum, Doctor Strange’s den in NY.
The Sanctum is there in both Spider-Man 1 and the Miles Morales side story game. But there are no direct mentions of this character in the game, making it just as weird as the Avengers Tower without the Avengers. However, in Spider-Man 2, we finally get to see some Strange magic in the game.
In a story chapter of the game, you play as Miles Morales, and MJ Watson tasks you to find and save Felicia from the Hunters. Kraven is looking for the bad guys in this game, and Felicia is one of those targets that’s being hunted. However, she escapes the fight before you reach her, and guess where she heads to? Sanctum Sanctorum!

Black Cat steals the Wand of Watoomb from there and runs away with it by creating mystic portals in the city. This wand is capable of many magical tricks and healing powers, and creating portals is one of its main purposes. Now, while Doctor Strange himself doesn’t show up in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, we get to see his note to Miles Morales at the end of the mission.
Felicia gets away by going to Paris using the wand, and Miles grabs the artifact to return it. But before bringing it back, he thinks of finding Mr. Negative, and then the Wand of Watoomb disappears, leaving a note for Miles. It reads:
Just got back from Nepal.
Doctor and I owe you one.
– Wong

During the events of this mission in Spider-Man 2, it seems like Doctor Strange and Wong are just coming back from Nepal. Nepal is where Kamar-Taj is located, somewhere that the Ancient One taught magic to Strange and many other superior wizards in the Marvel universe.
This reference to Doctor Strange in Spider-Man 2 might be a slight thing that many fans would forget after finishing the game. However, it could be the tip of the iceberg, where Sony makes new deals, and Insomniac Games brings other Marvel characters like Iron Man and Captain America to Spider-Man 3! However, this is a pure guess, but it is absolutely not out of the realm of possibility.