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One of the main features of Blox Fruits is the variety of Devil Fruits, of which there are more than 30 types available. Each of them offers players unique abilities that will help both during battle and exploring the world. In addition, you can create a build with the abilities of the characters from the original One Piece franchise. For example, if you’re a fan of Donquixote Doflamingo, then you’ll definitely want Spider Fruit, which is pretty good in Blox Fruits.
How To Get Spider Fruit
(Updated on August 9, 2024 – updated links and formatting)

Spider is a Legendary Natural Fruit in Blox Fruits. At first glance, it may seem that it belongs to the Beast type, but since it only allows you to control threads and not turn into a spider, it is a Natural type. You can get it by purchasing it from Blox Fruit Dealer for 1,500,000 Beli or 1,800 Robux. And it’s definitely worth all the money spent.
Although Spider Fruit is quite weak at first, once you awaken it, it becomes one of the best PvP Fruits in Blox Fruits. Its awakened moves can stun enemies, causing massive damage. Plus, your attacks have a large hitbox.
However, it is worth noting that some abilities, such as C Move, can be effective even without awakening. Over-heated Sniper has one of the best ranges in the game. But the awakened Eternal White has less range and accuracy.
Spider Fruit Moveset
- Spider Wraith – You strike and knock back an enemy in front of you.
- Multi-string Attack – You unleash 5 strings on the enemy, causing small AoE damage and stunning.
- Over-heated Sniper – You will shoot a rope of threads towards the cursor. The further away the enemy is, the more damage they will receive. In addition, the attack breaks Instinct.
- Ultimate Thread – You create several ropes of strings charged with aura and shoot them in front of you, causing great damage.
- Spider Path – You create hundreds of strings underneath you and levitate. It greatly increases your movement speed.
- Thermal Laceration (Awakened) – You strike multiple times with burning threads, dealing high damage.
- Silk Prison (Awakened) – You create a huge cage of threads around you. When you release the key, the cage will quickly shrink and cause damage to everyone inside.
- Eternal White (Awakened) – You summon huge spears of strings that attack where the cursor points. However, each next spear deals less damage.
- Heavenly Punishment (Awakened) – You shoot hundreds of threads charged with aura in front of you. The hitbox is shaped like a large cylinder. This attack deals massive damage and stuns anyone it hits.
- Spider Highway (Awakened) – You shoot a thread upwards and swing on it like Spider-Man.
That’s all you need to know about Spider Fruit in Blox Fruits. This Fruit is a good option for PvP, but only if you awaken most of the moves.