We just think that this is one of the funniest reactions to Astarion’s character that we have seen yet. For context, Reddit user Outside-Ring140 posted on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit that his wife was currently playing the game. When asked why she wasn’t going after Astarion, the fan-favorite vampire, her response absolutely shocked him. She explained that Astarion looked too much like a grandma. We personally never noticed that resemblance, but now it’s almost impossible to not think that whenever we see him.
Maybe Astarion is a Secret Cougar
To the original poster’s wife’s credit, she is a bigger fan of anime-style works over Western styles. This makes it seem like Astarion look like a grandma to her.
Both my wife and I are Japanese. Wife tends to prefer Japanese anime-style works over Western ones, so to her, Astarion’s (sexy) wrinkles seem like those of a grandma.”
Now that we take a closer look at Astarion’s face, we just see an old woman. The comments mostly agree, with some even reminding other players that even Astarion realizes this a bit. Once your character realizes that Astarion can’t see his reflection, you have the choice to tell him about his looks. One specific commenter explains that when you point out his laugh lines, he takes a bit of offense to it.
Indeed. If you pick “creases when you laugh” he says something like “I’m an eternally young vampire, not your doting grandmother, you can do better”.
He’s had a lot of time to build his self-esteem, but it looks like he still has a ways to go. To be fair, being referred to as an old woman when you’re an eternally young vampire would offend us a bit as well.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available for PC, PS, and