Traveller’s Tales Games has just kicked out the 1.10 update for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, and here are the detailed patch notes pointing out the recent changes. Instead of bringing significant features and changes, this patch focuses on quick and handy things that increase the gameplay players will like. The new patch includes the playable character Luke Starkiller and much more. See the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 1.10 update patch notes below.
Patch Notes for the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 1.10 Update

The latest LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga patch comes to celebrate Star Wars Day. Unfortunately, Traveler’s Tales Games has yet to release official patch notes, but folks more or less know what the new patch will be brought about thanks to the PS4 update history. The update is 2,281 GB in size and brings, as mentioned above, playable character Luke Starkiller and more.
- ‘Luke Starkiller’ playable character added
- ‘Vibration Intensity’ accessibility option added
- Additional stability and bug fixes
First off, it should be noted that the above are not full patch notes. We will update this post for you as soon as the dev releases the game‘s official patch notes. Meanwhile, if you missed the title’s previous update, you can check out its patch notes below.
- Multiple fixes and improvements to stability, quality, progression, and performance issues throughout the title.
- Added fixes to retroactively unlock certain trophies/achievements if criteria have been met by the user but the trophy/achievement didn’t unlock.
- Fixed issue for ‘Dodginess Manifest’ Freeplay mission where under certain progression criteria, two Stormtroopers and a droid would be missing from a hut in Tuanul Village.
- Fixed issue where orange dots to indicate new content would sometimes reset and reappear in the Holoprojector.
- Fixed issue where the Razor Crest cockpit and door were displaying incorrectly on specific platforms.
Update 1.10 for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,