Your eyes aren’t deceiving you – the title is correct. Microsoft has just flat out said they will have mouse and keyboard support. The official news came from Head of
“These are tools for developers, we’re not going to force mouse and keyboard support on a game that wasn’t designed for it. The developer owns the creative vision for their game… But there are certain games out there that require mouse and keyboard.”
Furthermore, Spencer says mouse and keyboard will be in preview this October. Microsoft will be partnering with Warframe to test out mouse and keyboard functions. This is an ideal game to test it on since it’s free to play the game. However, he says it’s really more about developer choice at the end of the day.
Spencer also goes on to mention their partnership with Razer really kicked off this movement towards mouse and keyboard availability. Most Windows computers already support the option to play using an Xbox controller. Along with this exciting news, Phil Spencer also announced an event aimed towards
The event will be aimed towards
Announcements made at the event will be from both first party and third party developers. There will be more information about mouse and keyboard use on your
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