Palico, your Felyne partner in Monster Hunter World, isn’t there just for moral support. They will also help out in hunts by taking aggro, dealing damage, healing, and even inflicting status effects. Obviously, a Palico cannot be compared to another Hunter, but they can still make hunts go faster or give you time to catch your breath. With a specific build, you can even make them fight off powerful monsters like Rathalos or even Kirin all by themselves! To realize their hidden offensive potential, here are some of the best weapons that you can give to your Palico in MHW.
MHW: The 10 Best Weapons for Your Palico
10. Fatalis Weapon α+

Most people will suggest you use Paralysis or Sleep, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a meme Palico build. The Palico Meowlotov Cocktail equipment’s skills are actually affected by the weapon’s Ranged damage and Affinity. Affinity Booster and Palico Rally Armor Skill can also buff your Felyne’s attacks, making it deal 1,200 damage from two Rath-a-Meow activations in High Rank! For that reason, Fatalis gear is one of the best weapons for your Palico in MHW.
9. Escador Schyte α+

Aside from Ranged and Affinity, Elemental damage also affects the Meowlotov Cocktail and Rath-a-Meow Skills. When you’re fighting a monster that’s weak against Dragon Element, swap your Fatalis gear with Alatreon instead.
8. Nami Rod α+

Now if you’re fighting monsters that are weak against Water like Diablos or Teostra, Namielle weapon is your best bet in MHW. It has the best Water and Ranged damage for all Water Element Palico gear.
7. Rimeguard Lance α+, The Best Ice Palico Weapon in MHW

For monsters that are susceptible to Ice, then pick the Velkhana Set α+’s weapon. While the Shrieking Legiana Set has better Element stats, the Rimeguard Lance has higher Ranged damage. Considering bonus Elemental damage is added from a small percentage of the base damage, having higher raw damage would’ve mattered the most.
6. Crusher Punch α+

Before we get into weapons that can immobilize monsters, you might want to consider Raging Brachydios’s gear first. Just like Hunters’s weapons, Blast-equipped Palico can help by adding raw flat damage every time the status procs.
5. Baan Ball α+

Now, as mentioned before, weapons with debilitating status effects are the best option for Palico in MHW. Because in a hunt it can proc one or two times, giving you time to rack up damage or do some healing. Thankfully, Radobaan is available in all three Hunter Ranks so you can give your Palico a Sleep setup from the early game.
4. Space Machine α+, The Best Sleep Palico Weapon in MHW

In Master Rank, we prefer Space Machine since it has Severing status, which helps cut monsters’ tails. Of course, you can change between the two Sleep weapons depending on whether the monster you’re facing has a tail to cut.
3. Maestro’s Baton α+

For dealing Paralysis status effect, your Palico has quite a few options. First, the weapon from the Maestro Set can be easily crafted since the material comes from an Event Quest. Unity Symbol is obtained from “M★6 A Shocking Climax” while Pure Dragon Blood is from most Master Rank Elder Dragons.
2. Butterfly Wand α+

Butterfly Wand is your best mid-game option since it comes in both Master and High Rank versions. However, you can only get the Tickets for crafting one during the Spring-themed Gathering Hub Festival.
1. Kitty-of-the-Valley Rod α+, The Best Paralysis Palico Weapon in MHW

This is pretty much what we consider to be the best Palico weapon in MHW and we’ve been using it since Low Rank. The Ladybug Set’s weapon is crafted using Monster Essence, Great Hornfly, and Sac from a Great Girros or Viper Tobi-Kadachi. Kitty-of-the-Valley Rod also has the highest Paralysis stat out of all Palico weapons. With it, in Master Rank, your Palico can inflict Paralysis at least once even if your target isn’t particularly weak against the status effect.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is available on PlayStation 4,