Cactuar, one of the most iconic Final Fantasy creatures, also appears in Monster Hunter World thanks to the FFXIV collaboration quest. They only appear in one specific hunting ground and can be caught as a Pet for your Private Room. But they will not go down without a fight as their signature 1,000 Needles move can — and will — cart you in an instant! If you want to see the magical cacti with your own eyes, here’s where you can find them.
Where You Can Find and Catch a Cactuar in Monster Hunter World?

In Monster Hunter World, Cactuar can appear in Wildspire Waste hunting areas. Simply equip the Capture Net from the Item Bar and shoot it to capture one. They’ll show up in Low, High, and Master Ranks, although the “Visitor From Another World” Special Assignment at HR16 should introduce you to the living cacti. Try searching for one during Flourishing: Cacti condition is active in Investigation or Expedition.
After they’re caught you can place them inside your Room through the Place Pet option. There are actually three different variations of Cactuar in Monster Hunter World:
- Cactuar.
- Cactuar Cutting.
- Flowering Cactuar Cutting.

Usually, any variant of Cactuar appears in Area 9 on top of a rock, near the rock pillars of Area 8, or in Area 7 near the Gajalakas. The standard Cactuar is the easiest one to catch as it always calmly poses when approached by any Monster Hunter World player. When attacked or kicked they will shoot out needles that deal up to 1,000 damages to anyone around it — including you. Cactuar Cutting, the smaller one, will run away when you’re near it.
However, Cactuars don’t always spawn in Monster Hunter World, but you can check the map for their emergence. Filter the map to Endemic Life and you should see Cactuar icons. If the icon is greyed out, then they are not appearing in that area. If the icon lit up green then a Cactuar will show up there.
Flowering Cactuar Cutting which has a small pink flower on top of its head is the rarest one. Aside from the standard spawning spots, it has one extra spawn location in the bird’s nest on top of Area 5 of Wildspire Waste. You can get there by taking a left from the Area 1 Camp and following the natural bridge upwards.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is available on PlayStation 4,