Mortal Kombat 1 is on a comeback streak with Ed Boon teasing future DLCs for the game and the secret ninja that’s been my nightmare for a couple of days now. Floyd is a mysterious fighter who utilizes every single ninja’s power in Mortal Kombat 1, which makes it so hard to defeat him. However, players have found a weak spot for beating the pink boss, just like every other CPU in the fighting games.
A recent video uploaded on Reddit by the user Beeeeeg-Yoshe21 has proved me wrong about Floyd and his powers. I’ve faced this boss twice, and each time I’ve been so unlucky because I wasn’t playing with my main fighter when he appeared. The user’s method, however, applies to every single character so that you can cheese Floyd playing as anyone you’ve picked.
The method is easy: Jump kicks + Uppercuts. That’s it. Just like every other CPU in the game, Floyd gets confused as soon as you jump and kick in the final seconds before you land. And if he got any closer, punish the pink ninja with an uppercut. It’s not so hard to read Floyd’s moves either, as you can dodge many of them by just jumping.
So while adding combos to your mix for beating Floyd in Mortal Kombat 1 is great, if you’re playing with a character you don’t usually pick and the ninja appears you can go with this strategy. The user also comments on how he doesn’t main Ashrah and it seems like he was doing the Demonic Duo Floyd challenge.
Many try their best to reach the Floyd stage in Mortal Kombat 1, but the mysterious ninja isn’t easy to defeat, hence why you’ll need to have a strategy before he starts his combos. Keep your focus, and remember that he’s nothing but a CPU fighter.