Narita Boy, an indie action platformer heavily inspired by the 1980s, is launching this Spring. Studio Koba is developing the title, which is the studio’s first game following its formation in 2016. Following an incredible Kickstarter campaign that saw more than 5,000 backers, Team17 came on board as the distributor. The game’s first trailer debuted earlier today, which you can check out below:
Defend the Digital Kingdom in Narita Boy
Narita Boy follows the titular hero after he is sucked into the world of a video game. Armed with the Techno-Sword, he must uncover the secrets of this world and its creator. Although players will seemingly only have access to one weapon, the Techno-Sword looks and sounds like it will be more than enough. Players will be able to fight enemies up close, slicing, dicing, and dashing to avoid their attacks. But the sword can also shoot powerful beams.
Narita Boy will aid the Mother Board, a spiritual leader found in the Digital Kingdom, as corrupted enemies plague the world. A group known only as the Stallions, rogue code within the video game, have invaded the kingdom and are trying to take over.
The 1980s influences on Narita Boy are palpable. This can be seen not only through its gorgeous pixel art, but also its entire presentation. Lines across the screen and black borders make it look like you’re playing on an old TV. Even the game’s environment and character designs look inspired by that of old tech. The game’s soundtrack is also of the era, inspired by analogue synthesizers.
Additionally, the launch of Narita Boy‘s trailer began a campaign called “Saving the Arcade World.” Team17 has partnered with several parties across the globe dedicated to preserving arcade history. You can visit their website to learn more.
Narita Boy launches this Spring on Steam, Switch, PlayStation 4, and