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Every kid from the 90s will remember that guy who left Pallet Town with his (at that time) not-so-faithful Pikachu in search of adventure and the dream of becoming a Pokemon master. At that moment, no one knew the number of pocket creatures this kid would get to meet and capture. While he didn’t “catch ’em all,” Ash Ketchum had many Pokemon throughout the anime that kept changing to adapt to the many games and cards that launched. In this article, we’ll walk through Ash Ketchum’s life and all the Pokemon he had in the anime.
Ash Ketchum and All His Pokemon Throughout the Anime

The first region, and the one where our hero hails from, is Kanto, which we’ll use to open up our list of all the Pokemon Ash had in the anime. This one only included Pokemon from the region and had some that remain to be fan favorites until today. Here are the ones he had:
- Pikachu
- Bulbasaur
- Charizard
- Squirtle
- Pidgeot
- Butterfree
- Kingler
- Muk
- Primeape
- 30 Tauros
- Snorlax
- Lapras
Johto saw the first official increase of the original Pokedex. While everyone saw Togepi first, one of the first Pokemon of the second generation, fans wanted more. The first Pokemon movie also introduced Donphan, a great addition that surprised many kids. With Ash on a new adventure, it was only normal for him to get a new team, and here’s the one he had:
- Pikachu
- Bayleef
- Heracross
- Totodile
- Quilava
- Noctowl
- Donphan
For the third region and the Battle Frontier arc, which was one of the best arcs in the anime at that time, Ash had a different team. Many people have fond memories of this region from the anime and the games, given how some of them are among the franchise’s most successful. Here are all the Pokemon Ash had during the anime set in Hoenn:
- Pikachu
- Glalie
- Torkoal
- Corphish
- Sceptile
- Swellow
While Ash didn’t capture that many in the previous region, it was one of his strongest teams and a fan favorite that many players looked to replicate. Yet, he didn’t stay there for long as he set his adventure in the Sinnoh region. These are the Pokemon he had:
- Pikachu
- Gible
- Gliscor
- Buizel
- Infernape
- Torterra
- Staraptor
Regardless of what fans think about Unova’s Pokemon designs, many didn’t knock it out of the park, but some were quite memorable for fans of the anime and games. The latter were quite successful due to their stories, which made Nintendo release a sequel. It was a nice generation that many think deserves a remake in the future. This is the list of all the Pokemon Ash had in the Unova anime arcs:
- Pikachu
- Krookodile
- Boldore
- Palpitoad
- Leavanny
- Scraggy
- Snivy
- Pignite
- Oshawott
- Unfezant
Both in games and anime, Kalos is one of the most beloved arcs. It has one of the best Pokedex in all games and regions, and it started the trend of introducing new mechanics to the game. Everyone will remember Mega-Evolutions, a feature many would love to see again in mainline games. These are the Pokemon Ash had during his stay in this region:
- Pikachu
- Greninja
- Noivern
- Goodra
- Hawlucha
- Talonflame
Alola is the place where Ash finally won. After the fantastic finale of Kalos, Ash redeemed himself in the final bout of the seventh region. It was a match for the ages, and we can say it was thanks to his team and the new Z-Moves. These are the ones who were part of his team:
- Pikachu
- Lycanroc
- Rowlet
- Incineroar
- Naganadel
- Melmetal
Last but not least, we have the region that finally saw Ash as the champion, which we had been waiting to see since we were kids. While the games were a bit divisive, and the Pokemon designs weren’t the best, the anime knocked it out of the park in many ways. It has some of the best fights in the series, and we’re happy this was the arc that saw our hero take the crown. These are all the Pokemon Ash had during his stay in Galar:
- Pikachu
- Lucario
- Gengar
- Dragonite
- Sirfetch’d
- Mr. Mime
- Dracovish
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As you can see, all the Pokemon Ash had throughout the anime were amazing. Some are fan favorites, and some aren’t. However, they all did a great team in the end. Plus, most of them helped Ash become the best there ever was, and as fans of the anime, we’ll always be thankful.
While Ash’s journey is over for now, Pokemon will continue to expand in many ways, and we can’t wait to see what Nintendo and The Pokemon Company are planning for the future of this beloved franchise.