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Surviving the apocalypse in Once Human isn’t a lonely experience. I’m not talking about your pesky neighbors who clutter the landscape with half-built homes. I’m talking about the cute otherworldly companions you can get. Deviants are extremely useful creatures that can help you in and outside of combat. As long as you have the right items for them and keep their mood up, they’ll get you out of some perilous situations and even help around your base. To help you pick the best ones, we’ve made a tier list of all Deviants in Once Human, as well as information on how to obtain them.

Let’s begin with the cream of the post-apocalyptic crop. To kick off this Deviants tier list, we’ll talk about the best ones you can get in Once Human for combat, exploration, gathering, and more. We’ll also include a few tips regarding their usefulness in PvE and PvP scenarios, so if you see a Deviant in this rank and you already have them, don’t hesitate to use them.
Deviant | Explanation | How to Obtain |
Festering Gel | As one of the best combat Deviants you can get in the main story, this little creature is a fantastic support Deviant. It can put up walls for you to use as cover and even heal those around you. It is useful in PvE and PvP situations, with the latter being a bit preferred. | Monolith of Greed |
Grumpy Bulb | This is one of the best Deviants you can get in Once Human, especially if you play solo and do some loot runs. With its AoE abilities, you can throw it at hordes of enemies and watch them perish as you run away. | Tall Grass Inn |
Dr. Teddy (PvP Server Only) | If you’re part of a team you should get Dr. Teddy as soon as possible. This Deviant’s gimmick is healing and reviving others, thus making it great for anyone who wants to play healer in a team. | Securement Silo Theta |
Masonic Pyramid (PvP Server Only) | This Gadget Deviant is a bit challenging to use as it provides one of two elixirs. One turns you invisible, and the other heightens your sixth-sense skill. It is useful in PvP scenarios, especially its invisibility elixir. | Prime War Locations |
Harveseed | This Deviant is worthy of reaching an S-Rank on our tier list due to how useful it is in Once Human. Once your HP reaches a critical state, it’ll conjure up a shield and reduce the damage you take. It is fantastic for PvE and PvP scenarios. | Gaia Cliff Monolith |
Space Turner | Don’t you hate it when there aren’t any teleportation towers nearby? Use your trusty Space Turner Deviant. This creature summons a door that allows you to teleport your teammates to you. It is particularly useful in PvP. | Dayton Wetlands (Door Puzzle) |
Buzzy Bee | Not a lot of players have the patience to plant crops. We don’t blame them. Shooting meta-humans is much more fun. That’s why Buzzy Bee is a great addition to your base. Just put them to work, and they’ll do the planting for you. | Brookham |
Logging Beaver | While not as powerful as others, having a Deviant help you gather logs is a boon. That’s all it does: gather logs. Might not seem much, but wait until you run out of charcoal and can’t craft any ingots. | Broken Delta (Fishing Event) |
The Digby Boy | Just like Logging Beaver up there, The Diby Boy will gather ores for your base. Once you do longer supply runs, it is ideal to leave these two working at home so they can rack up the materials for you. | Mining ore deposits |
Nutcracker | Since we can’t always rely on other players to protect our homes, why don’t we get a few Deviants to help us out? The Nutcracker is extremely useful in PvP situations when you want to keep those pesky players away from your house. | Forsaken Monolith |
H37 | The last Deviant on this rank, and one of the best in Once Human, is H37. While the above ones gather specific materials, this creature will bring salvage. Certain ingredients can only be obtainable through disassembling, so having this helper bring you junk is ideal. | Greywater Camp |

To continue our tier list, let’s look at our A-Rank Deviants in Once Human. The fact that they are here means they are still quite useful, but the ones in the above rank perform much better. While the S-Rank Deviants are a must-have, these are more situational and for specific builds.
Deviant | Explanation | How to Obtain |
Butterfly’s Emissary | The first Deviant everyone gets is fantastic at combat in both PvE and PvP situations. However, it only damages foes without bringing an extra gimmick. Still, it’s quite good and will carry you through the early hours. | Tutorial |
Pyro Dino (PvP Server Only) | One of the most annoying Deviants (not to use, but to fight against) is the Pyro Dino. It is a cute fire-spitting stuffed dinosaur that can ruin everyone’s day in seconds. What else can you ask for? | Securement Silo Phi |
Polar Jelly (PvE Server Only) | Quite similar to Grumpy Bulb, but the only difference is that Polar Jelly slows enemies down. It is strange that this Deviant is only available on PvE servers; it’d be amazing in PvP scenarios. | Securement Silo EX1 |
Atomic Lighter (PvP Server Only) | The great thing about the Atomic Lighter Deviant is that it creates a throwable item infused with a random element. It might not be as consistent as others, but it’ll wreak havoc when facing other players. | Securement Silo EX1 |
Disco Ball | By now, you know that sanity loss can lead to getting Whims. If you don’t mind having these status effects, you can grab the Disco Ball Deviant to increase their duration. | Disco Ball Event (Random) |
Dream Catcher | The Dream Catcher is a fantastic Deviant to have in Once Human and one that deserves this spot on the tier list, rightfully. After dodging, you’ll leave a cobweb behind, slowing anyone who steps on it; it’s extremely useful when inside settlements or when fighting other players. | Mirage Monolith |
Chefosaurus Rex | This little dinosaur Deviant won’t bring anything to combat but will make food taste better, figuratively speaking. This creature enhances meals’ effects, making it ideal for those who want specific buffs before a fight. | Securement Silo Phi |

The next Deviants on our tier list aren’t the worst, but aren’t the best either, meaning they aren’t essential in Once Human. The ones here are suitable for certain situations when you need to jump higher or get rare bait. They have their uses but won’t be as helpful as others when it comes to PvE and PvP fighting.
Deviant | Explanation | How to Obtain |
Canine Skull | The Canine Skull Deviant spawns hounds that target players and foes, which aren’t bad, but other Deviants have more consistent DPS means. | Monolith of Thirst |
Mr. Wish | While this Deviant shoots like crazy and even inflicts foes with a debuff, it doesn’t have the damage potential of other companions, making him a bit less desirable for most situations. | Securement Silo Sigma |
Enchanting Void (PvE Server Only) | The Enchanting Void transforms players into a panther and increases attack and movement speed. Not bad, but if you already have a specific build, this one might be a bit useless. | Securement Silo Theta |
By the Wind (PvE Server Only) | Not a lot going on for this Deviant other than the ability to help you levitate. Since you already have V to glide, this one only helps in a few combat scenarios, but outside of that, it’s not too helpful. | Prime War |
Frog the Leaper | This frog Deviant lets you jump higher and gives you rare bait. Extremely situational and not too useful in most types of content. | Lily Pad Puzzle |
Pup Buddy (PvP Server Only) | Its consumable item increases your carry load, but that’s it. It might be good if you tend to hoard items and don’t have a lot of carry weight, but outside of that, it doesn’t offer much. | Morphic Crates |

We’ve reached the end of our tier list, and sadly, we have the last four Deviants in Once Human. Here, we think these aren’t great for any situation. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t use them. If you want any of the skills they provide, no one’s stopping you, but it is better to consider other Deviants when playing.
Deviant | Explanation | How to Obtain |
Gingerbread House | This Deviant allows you to play Prop Hunt in the game, that’s it. It might be good if you want to ambush someone, but other than that, it won’t do much. | Dayton Wetlands (Random) |
Hug-in-a-Bowl | The biggest takeaway from this Deviant is the item that fully restores all your sanity. Not bad, but you can craft a lot of items much faster to keep your sanity up. | Broken Delta (Random) |
Fetch-a-Lot Bunny | This bunny is great if you want them to get shrubs for you, but once you get your planters going, there’s no need for it. | Cutting down Dracaena Trees |
Rebecca | While cute, Rebecca only offers tunes to restore Deviation energy faster. It might be great if you have a lot of Deviants around, but if not, we don’t recommend prioritizing this one. | LEA Research Lab |
Ultimately, it’s up to you to pick the right Deviant for your build. While we consider some to be better than others, that doesn’t mean this is the definitive list. You can try them all to see which ones suit your playstyle better. Thankfully, there are so many to capture, so you can experiment as much as you want. Still, you should watch out for the best ones because when difficulty eventually ramps up, you’ll need all the help you can get.