Payday 2 remains the premier game if you’re looking to heist anything from the neighborhood bank to the White House itself. Even after all this time and hundreds of hours, I still find myself enjoying the game immensely either solo or with friends. There’s just no competition with it, the closest being GTA Online’s heists despite the lack of them. It’s insane to think that, as of today, Payday 2 is seven years old. The developers seem happy too, thanks to the recent update made to the game this morning.
Today’s update 199.6 brings some new additions along with bug fixes and quality of life changes. The biggest changes come cosmetically, with a new suit, gloves, and weapon color for players to use. These are all focused around gold and black, celebrating the prestige of Payday 2 being seven years old. Along with those cosmetics, there’s a new song to listen to while blasting bad guys and stealing your way to riches. This song takes the classic Happy Birthday song and beefs it up to fit Payday 2’s setting. If you want to listen to it out of game, you can find that here.
As far as quality-of-life goes, the Crimespree and Holdout game modes have been given additional rewards to make them more lucrative. If you have some friends to play with (or possibly solo), you should do a Crimespree and see what you manage to snag. You can also customize masks easier if that’s more your style. Finally, several of Payday 2’s mask achievements have been made doable solo with bots. Other than that, there’s a huge list of bug fixes which you can find on in the update’s patch notes.
These may not be the flashiest (or the flashiest depending on how you look at it), but there some neat little things to help celebrate the milestone. Payday 2 is available on PC, PS4,