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Miss spending time around in Prontera while listening to the nostalgic music? Then it is time to relive your adventure in the land of Midgard with Ragnarok Online Origin. Thankfully, Gravity is kind enough to share tons of promotional codes to ease up the classic Korean MMO game’s grind. Whether you’re a new Novice or a veteran Swordsman, these codes will surely help you enjoy exploring Ragnarok Online Origin even more.
All Codes for Ragnarok Origin ROO in March 2024

Code | Rewards |
BLUESTACKROO | Super Pet Coupon x1, Purple Star Coin x2, Blue Star Coin x2, Moeda Estela Roxa x2, Moeda Estrela Azul x2 (exclusive to BlueStacks users, until February 28, 2025) |
DORAMKINGDOMCG | Super Pet Coupon x3, Gacha Ticket x1, Card Coupon x1 |
ROOODINCUPS2 | Gacha Ticket x1, Lucky Candy x1, Speedy Candy x1 |
ROOMEOWMEOW | LE Pet Coupon x1, Skip Ticket x20, Spirit Dew x10 |
ROOGLIMMER | Super Pet Coupon x1, Lucky Candy x1, Speedy Candy x1 |
ROOLANTERNFEST | Rare Card Coupon x1, Dead Branch x1, Bloody Branch x1 |
ROOWISHINGTREE | Super Pet Coupon x1, Yggdrasil Berry x3, Zeny x3,000 |
ROOSTARFALL | Random Rare Sigil Gift Box x1, Eden Coin x200,000, Zeny x3,000 |
ROOKASMARAN | Gacha Ticket x1, Skip Ticket x1, Speedy Candy x1 |
ROOTWILIGHT | Super Pet Coupon x1, Dead Branch x1, Bloody Branch x1 |
ROOPOWERUP | Gacha Ticket x1, Lucky Candy x1, Speedy Candy x1 |
ROOEMPOWER | Verus Gacha R x2, Yggdrasil Berry x3, Eden Coin x200,000 |
ROOSINGINGCHILD | Gacha Ticket x1, Lucky Candy x1, Speedy Candy x1 |
ROOSPRINGFEST | Gacha Ticket x1, Eden Coin x200,000, Zeny x3,000 |
ROOFEARLESS | Card Coupon x1, Deviruchi’s Treasure Map x1, Eden Coin x200,000 |
ROONEWSERVER | Card Coupon x1, Skip Ticket x20, Gym Pass x2 |
ROOSOULSHARD | Super Pet Coupon x1, Skip Ticket x20, Gym Pass x1 |
ROOVALENTINES | Rare Card Coupon x1, Lucky Candy x3, Speedy Candy x3 |
ROOPENUHCINTA | Diamond x100, Dead Branch x1, Bloody Branch x1 |
ROOKASIHSAYANG | Super Pet Coupon x1, Skip Ticket x30, Gym Pass x1 |
ROOVALENTINE | Rare Card Coupon x1, Dead Branch x1, Bloody Branch x1 |
ROONEBULAEIGHTY | Mystic Verus Gacha x1, Speedy Candy x1, Lucky Candy x1 |
ROOTOCS3COMING | Super Pet Coupon x1, Dead Branch x1, Bloody Branch x1 |
ROOCOMODO | Card Coupon x1, Eden Coin x200,000, Zeny x3,000 |
ROOBEAUTIFULMONDAY | Gacha Ticket x1, Eden Coin x100,000, Zeny x1,000 |
ROOMARVELOUS | Summer Shell x5, Speedy Candy x3, Lucky Candy x3 |
ATLANTISCOMING | Gacha Ticket x1, Speedy Candy x3, Lucky Candy x3 |
ROOZEPHYR | Skip Ticket x50, Speedy Candy x1, Lucky Candy x1 |
ROOSENINSUKACITA | Diamond x100, Speedy Candy x1, Lucky Candy x1 |
ROOPRIMAL | Gacha Ticket x1, Speedy Candy x1, Lucky Candy x1 |
ROOWHEELTALOS | Super Pet Coupon x1, Eden Coin x200,000, Zeny x3,000 |
ROOEDDGASHOW | Gacha Ticket x3, Skip Ticket x13 |
ROOPERMAFROST | Numba Wan Ticket (Refining) x3, Eden Coin x200,000, Zeny x2,000 |
ROOGARM | Numba Wan Ticket (Refining) x1, Speedy Candy x1, Lucky Candy x1 |
ROOWINDSTORM | Gacha Ticket x1, Pet Coupon x1, Zeny x2000 |
ROONUMBAWAN | Numba Wan Ticket (Refining) x2, Eden Coin x200,000, Zeny x2,000 |
ROOSENINMANIS | Gacha Ticket x1, Eden Coin x100,000, Zeny x1,000 |
ROONEXUSENGINE | Booty Key x2, Super Pet Coupon x1, Eden Coin x300,000 |
ROOMAPCOMODO | Booty Key x1, Super Pet Coupon x1, Zeny x2,024 |
ROONEBULAPATH | Gacha Ticket x2, Speedy Candy x2, Lucky Candy x2 |
ROONEWYEAR2024 | Diamond x888, Eden Coin x20,242,024, Zeny x2,024 |
ROOWELCOME2024 | Celebration Firework x10, Ronopoly Toy Box x1 |
HELLO2024INROO | Ronopoly Dice x3, LE Pet Coupon x1, Super Pet Coupon x1 |
SEEYOUIN2024ROO | Diamond x100, Celebration Fireworks x10, Super Pet Coupon x1 |
COMPANYWITHROO2024 | Celebration Fireworks x50, Pet Coupon x10, Super Pet Coupon x10, Card Coupon x10 |
ROOGUILLOTINE | Diamond x100, LE Pet Coupon x1, Super Pet Coupon x1 |
ROOCOUNTDOWN2023 | Ronopoly Dice x3, Super Lucky Candy x1, LE Pet Coupon x1 |
ROOXMASEVE2023 | Dice x2, LE Pet Coupon x2, Speedy Candy x1 |
CHRISTMASEVEWITHROO | Speedy Candy x2, Lucky Candy x2, Snow Dust x50 |
ROOXMASEVE | Super Pet Coupon x1, Lucky Candy x1, Speedy Candy x1 |
ROORUNEKNIGHT | LE Pet Coupon x1, Rare Card Album x1, Snow Dust x100 |
ROOXMAS2023 | Diamond x100, Super Pet Coupon x2, Snow Dust x100 |
SNOWBALLSINROO | Speedy Candy x2, Super Pet Coupon x1, Snow Dust x50 |
ROOMECHANIC | LE Pet Coupon x1, Speedy Candy x2, Lucky Candy x2 |
CHRISTMASELKCOIN | Reindeer Coin x5,000,000 |
NEWEVENTRONOPOLY | Gacha Ticket x1, Dead Branch x1, Bloody Branch x1 |
ROORANGER | Super Pet Coupon x1, Lucky Candy x1, Wild Kiwi x2 |
Players can also request special gift codes from Ragnarok Online Origin‘s official Discord server Tavern Events Category. Simply open the specific Channel mentioned below and click on the blue coupon or gift box icon for the code. You might want to save the user-specific codes though as they will disappear from Discord in 15 minutes:
- newcomer_gift Channel: Diamond x200, Divine Pet Summoning Coupon x1, Eden Coins x100,000, Random Outfit Gift x1. Expires on March 20, 2024.
- job_change_writ Channel: Job Change Writ x2, Skill Reset Stick x2, Reincarnation Gem x2, Sigil Opt. Box x2, Job Sigil Converter x2.
All of the Ragnarok Online Origin ROO codes listed above have been verified by us in-game to be working as of writing. Redeem codes can only be claimed once per account and will expire in 29 days after redeeming. Do note the codes aren’t case-sensitive and will be instantly changed to uppercase when you type them.
How To Redeem Promotional Codes

You need to reach Level 20 in Ragnarok Online Origin ROO first before you can redeem promo codes. Once you do, follow the step-by-step guide below. If you enter the wrong code, the “Error redeeming code, please check again,” message will appear. If the code has expired, another message will pop up instead. Sometimes, codes can only be claimed by a certain number of players as well.
- Run the Ragnarok Online Origin app on your phone.
- Go past the title screen.
- Press the “Reward” icon on the top-right of your screen.
- Select the “Redeem” menu at the bottom of the sidebar.
- Enter a code from the Ragnarok Online Origin promo codes listed above then press Confirm.
- Check your Mailbox for the promo items and press Claim.
The Mail menu can be found by pressing the Friend icon to the left of the chatbox at the bottom of your screen. Then select the Mail tab to claim the Ragnarok Online Origin ROO rewards.
Ragnarok Origin is available on Android, iOS, and PC.