Ratchet and Clank has been a dormant franchise for the past four years now. It’s last game, aptly named Ratchet and Clank, was favorable among fans and critics alike. Still, the lack of any news on the series left many wonders among fans on if Ratchet and Clank had been forgotten. Today, I’m happy to say the series is not lying dormant anymore. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is coming to the PS5, announced just recently at the PS5 event today. Insomniac Games took to their social media to celebrate their announcement.
Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart looks to take a different approach to the Ratchet and Clank formula, using parallel universes to travel seamlessly from one place to another. You take on various creatures as the series is known for, but with some new combat abilities. For example, the ability to travel from one end of the battlefield to the next using a time rift. This among many other things makes this game look very appealing. It’ll be exciting to see how it uses these new mechanics when the game releases in the future.
What are your thoughts on the Ratchet and Clank series? Does this new game excite you? Let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!