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We players asked for more, and Gunfire Games not only listened to us but doubled down on the bet. Remnant 2 returned with a new DLC, The Dark Horizon, which revisits the desolate planet of N’Erud and adds one of the best game modes, Boss Rush. Forget about exploring and go straight to the fierce combat with elite enemies and, obviously, the bosses of all the planets in Remnant 2. Prepare what rings and amulets you will take because no one else can help you once you start this challenge.
How Does Boss Rush Mode Work in Remnant 2
Remnant 2: The Dark Horizon DLC is one of the game’s best additions and one that any player can enjoy. If you dislike exploring, you can try the Boss Rush Mode to improve your skills and equipment without traveling anywhere. Although if you enjoy the story beyond Ward 13, Boss Rush will help you level up your equipment and Prisms, so you’ll be prepared for any new challenge N’Erud offers. These are the highlights of this game mode:

- Buffs
- After defeating a boss or searching the map for pillars, you can receive 3 random buff options, from which you can select only one. They will be handy to survive the rest of the challenge.
- Loot
- By completing the challenge, you will receive loot from the bosses, like rings or amulets, to improve your build. By defeating enemies or finding a chest, you will get materials to craft, such as Lumenite Crystal, Relic Dust, Corrupted Shards, Forged Iron, etc. There will even be some minor improvements to your stats.
- By completing the challenges, you will receive a lot of experience that will help you level up your Prism and make exploration of the other planets easier in your adventure.
How To Start Remnant 2: Boss Rush Mode
If you are excited to defeat all the bosses in the game, you must follow these steps:
1. Go to Remnant 2 and start your game.
2. In Ward 13, interact with the crystal.
3. You will see the options Campain, Adventure, and Boss Rush. If this is the first time using this mode, go to the rectangle below the Boss Rush option: Create New Boss Rush Mode.

4. After that, three game modes will appear:
- Triple Threat (You will face 3 bosses)
- Trial by Fire (Defeat 6 bosses and The Annihilation)
- The Gauntlet (You must challenge 19 Remnant 2 bosses)

5. After selecting any of the Boss Rush modes, each has 4 different difficulty levels: Survivor, Veteran, Nightmare, and Apocalypse.

The bosses that appear to you and their order of appearance will be random. You can fight first with The Nightweaver of Losomn, then fight the wave of Normal enemies and Aberrations, and your next Dungeon will be The Astropath in N’Erud or something completely different.
Best Items for Your Build
Here are some items that might be useful to buy you more time in Boss Rush:
- Zero Divide (Amulet)
Gain infinite reserve ammo and increases ranged damage by 15%. - Cube Gun
It has the Cube Shield Mod and Infinite Ammo, but be careful as it can overheat. - XMG57 Bonesaw
Fast-firing machine gun with lots of damage. - Spectral Blade
This blade has Mod, which creates a Whirlwind of slashes to strike enemies within 8m for 75 damage. - Healing Shot
Launches a payload that explodes on contact with allies, healing 30% of their max Health. When no ally is struck, the payload lays dormant until an ally gets close. The dormant payload lasts 30s, slowly losing healing potency over time. - Heatwave
Activates a 15m aura of sweltering heat, causing enemies inside the aura for 3s to begin BURNING for 250 FIRE Damage per second for 5s. Lasts 30s. - Reserve Boosting Gem (Ring)
Increases Health Regeneration by 0.5 per second. 1s after going below 50% Health, increases regeneration value to 2.5 per second until 50% Health is reached. - Security Half-Measure (Ring)
On relic use, sacrifice 15% of max Health and grant a shield for 10.4% of the wearer’s max Health to allies within 8m. Conversion cannot kill the wearer. Lasts 15.2s.
Your equipment will depend on how much you have played and your DLCs. Still, remember that you can get other rings and materials from Remnant 2 after each Boss Rush. You can make your perfect build without traveling to Yaesha or another area.