Whenever you’re fishing in Roblox Fisch, you’ll sometimes pull up odd objects, like Magic Thread. Some of the items are just junk and only serve as a way to make a little extra money when you sell your inventory to a merchant. But Magic Thread isn’t the kind of item you want to sell in Fisch. In fact, if you come across Magic Thread in Roblox Fisch, count yourself lucky because it’s quite useful.
How to Get Magic Thread in Roblox Fisch

Put simply: When you get Magic Thread, what you do with it is use it for crafting fishing rods in Roblox Fisch. Almost every craftable rod requires a spool of Magic Thread, excluding a few of the best craftable fishing rods, such as the Celestial Rod.
So naturally, you want to stockpile as much Magic Thread as you can, which you should. One of the best early-game fishing rods in Fisch is a crafted rod, the Precision Rod, granting a whopping 150% Luck. And the Wisdom Rod is perfect for grinding experience quickly. Both require Magic Thread to craft!
Unfortunately, getting Magic Thread in Roblox Fisch is kind of a pain. There are two ways to get it: Treasure Chests and luck. What I mean by the latter is that you have a small chance of reeling in Magic Thread fishing anywhere in the game. There’s no way to boost your odds.

In the case of Treasure Chests, those are found from reeling in Treasure Maps. Again, it’s a small chance—1-in-160, to be specific. There’s no way to boost the odds for Treasure Maps, except with the Sunken Rod, which is only found in Treasure Chests.
So, what do you do? Find a good fishing spot with easy fish to catch and bring a fishing rod with a high Lure speed. That way you’re increasing your fish-per-hour and, subsequently, the odds you’ll get a Treasure Map.
The reason you want to focus on Treasure Chests is that they’ll have a 10% chance of having Magic Thread. You might get lucky and find Magic Thread while you’re fishing for Treasure Maps in Fisch!